chapter eleven

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As soon as I pressed call Lili picked up the phone. She was sitting on the couch with Cole.

Lili: "So?"


Lili: "That's so good. I am so glad to hear that you don't understand."

Cole: "I was actually worried for a second. I wouldn't have anyone to make fun of anymore."

Me: "Love you too Cole. Well, I should get back to my family. Tell your family I say hi Lili."

Lili: "Will do. I'm glad you're staying with us munchkin. Love you."

Cole: "Bye dumbass. Love you" Cole said while he showed that he was wearing my hoodie.

Me: "Bye guys. Love you."

With that I hung up and ran downstairs to start Christmas Eve dinner with my sister and my mom. Dinner went by and it was amazing. My sister clearly did not get cooking abilities from my mom. 

Cami and I put on our matching pajamas and went to bed knowing that tomorrow would be Christmas. Christmas was so much fun. Since Cami and I were a little too old for toys, we made a rule that we all only exchange one big gift. I got a new phone from my mom and Cami is going to let me redo my LA and Vancouver rooms.

 The rest of the week we went bike riding, took pictures, went to the beach, and hung out with my old friends. The day came. The day to say goodbye to my mother once again. Goodbyes were temporary. I learned to no longer worry.

 At the airport Cami and I went our separate ways. She was going to visit her dad in Arizona. She knew her dad. I never did. My mother said he wasn't a very nice person and he did not want a part in my life. I understood that and never questioned it. 

I was flying to see my best friend and boyfriend in LA. The plan was that Sebastian would pick me up from the airport because Annie was on set for a new movie she was filming. I landed and I checked my phone. Fifteen messages. One was Cami telling me to text her when I was with Seb. The other fourteen were from the cast group chat:


Ash: Hey guys, Roberto wants everyone on set the day we get back (Jan 4th)

Nessa: Got it

Mads: I'll be there

Cami: Me too

Casey: ^

Charles: Same

KJ: I'll be there mates

Lili: I could hear that message KJ, but I will be there

Cole: Lili is making me go

Cole: So, I will be there

Nessa: Drew and Jordan are off until the 9th

Cami: Soph's on a plane but Cole and Lili are her ride so she will be there

Cole: Ew her

Lili: Admit it Cole, she's your favorite

I then responded to the group chat and texted Seb that I had just landed.

Me: Yes, I will be there because I don't really have a choice.

Me: And Cole, I am 100% your favorite

Cole: Hotdog is my favorite

Me: Mhm sure...

I got off the plane and waited at baggage claim. 

I turned around to see Sebastian getting out of the car. I grabbed my bag dropped it on the floor and jumped in his arms. We quickly kissed and his older brother Caden put my stuff in their car. 

I then texted Cami and told her I landed safely, and I loved her. We drove to set where Annie and his older sister Dylan were filming. Caden was also in the movie, it was just his day off. 

This set was way different from the set I was used to back home. This new movie was mostly teenagers. I was not used to being around kids my age. It felt strange. I watched Annie as she finished her scene. She finished and she ran over to me a hugged me. 

We were already prepared to spend the next week together. I walked over to Katie and Hayley, Annie's mom and sister and said hi. Annie wrapped and we headed home. She was already prepared with so many snacks and so many movies to watch. 

Before we went to bed, I facetimed Cami and talked to her for about fifteen minutes before I was getting a call from Sebastian. 

"Goodnight baby. I love you. Hi Annie. Goodnight to you too!" 

We said goodnight to him and Asher because he had called Annie to say goodnight. We stayed up all night talking and eating.  

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