chapter seven

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Two days later... Lili drove us to the airport, and we said bye. 

We landed in LA. Even though I was only spending two days with her because I had to return to set for filming, I knew it would be fun. We ran around LA those two day and got closer than ever. 

I met up with Seb and we hung out the last day. Knowing I had friends my age was relieving. Well, besides Trinity. She plays Jellybean and we were friends. But she was barely on set, so we only had talked a few times.

I flew home alone, and Cole picked me up from the airport. 

He said that it was their day off and Cami wanted me to spend the day with them because I had seemed distracted lately.

 Lili was in the car when I got in. I missed hanging out with them. Vancouver is my home now and these people are my family. They had the perfect day planned out. However, they refused to tell me exactly what we were doing. 

The car ride was so much fun. Lili and I dislike Coles music choice, as does everyone, so we played musicals and songs on the pop charts. 

We drove to a field. Cole had his camera and Lili and I ran out to dance around as the jeep was still blasting our music. Cole was capturing memories on his camera. Memories I could never forget. 

After about an hour we got back into the jeep and drove back into the city. To a place I was very familiar with. My favorite lunch spot, Havens Juice. Açaí was my favorite food and everyone knew it. 

After we ate it was time to meet up with the rest of the cast at Casey's to watch the latest episode as we always did. The episode ended and I walked to Cami expecting to go home with her. She gave me a hug, shook her head and pointed to Cole and Lili who were standing by the door. Wow, it wasn't over. 

They drove me to their apartment and there was a fort set up, and inside the fort was a small projection screen and to my surprise, Sebastian. We all spent the rest of the night watching movies and Sebastian was only there for the night as he was there with his siblings for an event. That night went by quicker than I could ever imagine, and I fell asleep in the fort.

When I woke up, Sebas was gone and Cole was making breakfast. That day was needed. That day was perfect. 

Cole was off that day but Lils had to work. So, she drove me to set where I would be filming my first day of Riverdale as Victoria Lodge. Me being a first-time actress, had already memorized my lines and I was beyond nervous. 

I walked into Cami and I's shared trailer. My anxiety started getting very bad and I began to cry from the stress. Cami walked in at the perfect time and she slowly sat on the couch next to me. She told me 

"Listen to me. I know your stressed but trust me you're going to be amazing. You have your lines memorized better than anyone. KJ doesn't even know his lines! You are playing my sister and you already are my sister. I will be by your side the entire time and so will Marc and Marisol. I love you. You are going to do great kiddo."

 I then walked onto the stages and joined Mads in the green room. She helped me read over my lines until they called me to film. I was scared but I knew that I was filming with people I was most comfortable around. My scene was quite easy. All I had to do was walk through the door and act like I owned the place. I finished my scene and I was beyond happy, Cami hugged me tight and said I did great. I was done for the day and I went to Cole's trailer to tell him how my scene went.

Before I knocked on the door, I could hear the couch move and Lili laugh. My brain told me to run away. I was not about to hear whatever was going on in there. They're so gross.

I ran to Nessa's trailer where I knew her and Mads were filming a YouTube video. They saw that my face was bright red and asked me what had happened. I told them and we all started laughing. 

They finished filming their video and I facetimed Annie. I was going to be staying with her for a week and we were planning what we would be doing. I got a text from Cami saying that she wanted ice cream and I happily said bye to Mads and Nessa and ran to Cami's trailer. 

She was already waiting for me with keys in hand. We ordered from the ice cream place and drove back to set before anyone would notice we were gone. I mean, I was wrapped, Cami was not. 

When we got to set, I laid on the couch with Lili and Cole came to sit next to me. They asked about my scene and I told them what had happened when I went to go talk to them earlier. Their faces turned red and we all began laughing. It was three in the morning, so I fell asleep shortly after because it had been a long day.

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