chapter three

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The next morning was time for set again. Waking up at four was way easier for me than for Cami. We carpooled to set as always and I sat in Cami's trailer the entire day. I then decided to call a cast meeting. I had made the decision to finally let everyone post about me. 

Mads then posted a pic of me and captioned it "Let's all welcome the new cast little sis". 

Not much later Cami posted a baby pic and a pic of us now and captioned it "Yes, this little demon is my sister". 

My phone was blowing up with texts from all my school mates asking about it. I then posted a bunch of pics of me being goofy with the cast and captioned it "My new home. My new family."

 The number of followers I received after those posts were terrifying. My anxiety was getting so much worse. Lili noticed me curling into a small ball in the corner and calmed my attack. She was then called to set but picked me up and carried my crying self to Cole. Cole was sitting down on the couch where we first met. Lils laid me on his lap and gestured him to calm me down. He then hugged me tight and told me that 

"It is all going to be ok. Nobody but the cast matters, and the cast all loves you." His soothing words made me fall asleep. 

I woke up in Coles trailer with a note on my phone. "Filming kiddo. Stay here until I come get you." I watched YouTube until a familiar name popped up in my dms. "Sebastian Conrique". We began talking and by the time Cole came to get me, Sebastian and I were friends. 

Cole hugged me and asked if I was ok. I told him about Sebastian and he was already threating him like a father would do. I mean, I wouldn't know. My father left when I was two. Cole was more of a big brother than a father. 

I walked onto set and everything was normal. I then got enough courage to text an old friend of mine, Annie Leblanc. She was very happy to talk to me and I was the same. I missed her and we updated each other on everything. Lili then called me and gave me a cookie and a milkshake and Cami said she needed to talk to me about school. I had not thought about school. We quickly came to the conclusion that I would be homeschooled. 

The drive home was unusually silent. Cami was on the phone with her boyfriend, Charles. Cole and Lili were talking silently and I was just there. I ran to my room, collapsed on my bed and began to cry. I missed my home, my friends, my room, my mom. Cami bolted into my room to ask what was wrong. I told her and she hugged me like always. I needed her. She made me feel so much better. She then told me to shower, eat dinner, and come lay in bed with her to watch something. Next thing I know I'm dozing off to sleep because Cami reminded me Lili and Cole would come over at three am to get ready for set.

The next morning was Cole's birthday. As soon as I woke I chose 3 pictures that highlighted the best parts of my friendship with Cole. I captioned it 

"Happy birthday Coley. You were the first cast mate I met and I'm beyond grateful for you. I love you so much and I cant wait to eat all your food. Xo, your favorite dumbass." 

I then got ready with my laptop for set, because I was starting school. 

The next few months on set were quite boring as all I was doing was school. Hanging on set was fun though. As for my friendships with Annie and Sebas... Annie and I were best friends and would facetime almost every night. As soon as Cami was on hiatus, we would go to LA and I would visit her. Sebastian was also one of my best friends and I secretly had a crush on him. Him and Annie were friends through his siblings. Annie said that he really liked me but I wasn't too sure about that. 

Thanksgiving was approaching and Cami had already booked tickets for us to return to Miami for the three day break.  

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