baby tummy ⚠️

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fluff and angst
top jk
bttm th

trigger warning: suicidal thoughts

tae pov-

i poke. and poke. and poke.

a small indent is visible every time i gently push my finger on my stomach. my fat stomach. i begin to pinch the skin in between my two fingers. i look at the amount and begin to tear up at the amount. i felt my lip begin to wobble.

a crybaby. weak and fat. of course i was. i wish i could just take a pair of scissors and chop off all of the fat that drowns me. i don't like my body. i hate my body.

i hate my two different types of eyelids. i look like an alien. i hate my box-shaped smile. i look weird. i hate my nose. it's too big. i'm ugly. i'm hideous. i'm upset with who i've become.

yet i don't cry in front of anyone. despite the insults thrown my way. despite the nasty glares. despite feeling the immense feeling of judging stares.

people judging me because who in the hell had the wrong mind to be friends with Kim Taehyung? the "alien boy" of all of senior year.

Jeon Jungkook was apparently one of those people. Jungkook was Taehyungs best friends since middle school. they went through the awkward teen phases together. their acne began to hit them around the same time.

but they grew. the bloomed into the people they are today. to taehyung, he turned even more worthless. jungkook, on the other hand, was greatly respected at this school.

he was a black belt in karate and top 3 in all of his classes. but jungkook didn't care. the only thing he's ever cared about was his family, grades, and Kim Taehyung.

but Taehyung felt as if he was holding Jungkook back. That he was restricting him from being friends with so many other people who deserved it. so lately he had begun to distance himself. yet he couldn't help but still have jungkook over at his apartment at night.

tonight was no exception. jungkook told taehyung that he would show up to his apartment later after he had finished studying. taehyung couldn't help but agree because he just missed jungkook so damn much. its been over 3 hours and it seemed like jungkook wasn't coming over anymore, but taehyung understood. who would want to hang out with him anyway?

taehyung had rivers of tears running down his face. his lips wobbling and his whole body shivering. his eyes began to get puffy and his nose began to turn a subtle pink. he was too consumed in his own thoughts.

too consumed to not notice a certain raven head was watching all of this happen in front of him. when jungkook had entered the apartment, he was worried. he had heard the poor boys sobbing and ran to where he was. he looked through the crack of the door.

but he stopped. "what was taehyung doing" he had thought. then he realized. and god, he wished he was wrong. he really hoped that taehyung didn't really think such negative things about himself. so he stayed silent. he heard the boys sobs become heart-breakingly louder and felt the ache in his heart get worse.

but what had finally broke him, what finally made him burst through the door and hug the living hell out of taehyung was when taehyung muttered a simple sentence. one statement that finally shattered jungkook and made taehyung fall to his knees. jungkook capturing him in a hug before he hit the floor:

"maybe i should just kill myself."

taehyung was shaking. if it wasn't for the situation then jungkook would've thought he was cold. but the heartbreaking sobs proved otherwise. and jungkook never felt so useless. right in front of him, the love of his life was falling apart. he was blind to the boys true feelings. he neglected him.

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