Chapter 1

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The sun shined bright on five males who were cuddled up together on their king sized bed. Fluffy tails wrapped around each other's legs and ears twitching often, purring can be heard amongst the group. A Ragdoll shifter, Klavier, was the first one to get up as he had always did, he gently push his way out of the sleeping cuddle session. His long black hair a mess while his tail was wrapped around his leg. He stretched, his white sleeve shirt lifting up slightly - showing a bit of his tone abs but this cat wasn't muscular and strong unlike Theodore who could literally obliterate anyone with just a touch. Totally not exaggerating. He glanced over at his lovers as they remained asleep peaceful.

"What a bunch of lazy cats.." He spoke in a soft voice, as he was still sleepy.

He leaned over the bed and reached over at his lover, Theodore, who was a Maine Coon shifter. Klavier's soft hand went over his muscular arms as he liked the way they felt. The other male turned over to look over at his beloved Ragdoll, a smile slowly forming on his lips. His eyes were half lidded and his hand went up to stroke his ears. "You're such a good boy, ain't ya', Klavier?" He said as his eyes trailed over to his parted pink lips.

Klavier began to purr at his pleasant touch and imagined the both of them having intercourse but that had to be save for later as Theodore stopped, pulling his hand away. He had his attention on something else, "Is that for me, love?" He gestured to the noticeable bulge in his undergarments. The Ragdoll looked down and blushed, "Can you fix it, please?"

Theodore snickered and shook his head, "You know how I am, I'm not going to help your little friend." He was known as the tease out of everyone in the house and could get anyone blue balls. Klavier whimpered and tried to adjust himself without having to break the rule of not taking a cold shower when aroused. Theodore sat up on the bed and had accidentally kicked Kyong, a Nebelung shifter, in his face.

The slim tall male wasn't a heavy sleeper so he felt it and hissed, looking up at Theodore. His gray ears pointing up as he attempted to swing at him but he missed before going for another hit, digging his fingernails into the other male's skin. Theodore jumped and let out a painful hiss, "You don't fucking hurt your dom, Kyong." He hissed and got off the bed, his small wound bleeding. His eyes glowed as his cat wanted to put the Nebelung in his place.

While that happened, the rest of the cat shifters woke up to see what all the commotion was about and even a dog shifter who was in the opposite room. Jarvis was sitting on his bed and had been staring up at the ceiling of his room, thinking if he should regret living with five god damn cat shifters. It was his sixth day here and the scent of the cats heat was overwhelming sometimes. However, if he wanted to leave - he'd have nowhere to go and he didn't fit in with most dog shifters despite the fact he is a Chow Chow shifter. So the cats were the only ones that accepted him and he didn't know if they feel even comfortable with him.

The sound of his stomach rumbled, interrupting him from his thoughts so he shifted. His fur color was cream, he was fluffy and soft, obviously. Jarvis jumped off his bed and left his room, going over to the cat's bedroom. The door was opened a little and the Chow Chow poke his head in, seeing Theodore glared deadly at the other cat. The weird thing about these cat shifters in here was their relationship - he couldn't tell if they were all in a great friendship, sexual, or romantic relationship but it was chaotic.

He was truly interested in what was going on so he stood there, waiting for something to happen. Theodore shifted and so did the others, some of them were bigger than Jarvis. The Maine Coon cat jumped at Kyong while the rest of the cats dashed out of the room and before the dog shifter could react, they all trampled him on their way out. Jarvis was on his back and whined as he regained his balance, he wasn't really in pain but that was so unexpected. Theodore and Kyong remained in the bedroom although they weren't in sight anymore so Jarvis left to go to the living room.

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