Chapter 11

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"So does that mean..?"

"He's ours!"

"For the love of god, be quiet!"

"Leave him alone - he had a moment.."

Everyone was talking up a storm about Jarvis ever since he called Theodore 'Sir'. It caught them so off guard. They all were gathered up in the living room, except for Theodore and Jarvis. "What's taking him so long? Don't tell me he's already fucking the brains out of Jarivs." Apollo said, snickering. Jamison hit the Norwegian Forest Cat upside his head. "Why can't you be silent for once?"

Then Theodore entered the living room alongside with Jarvis, who had his arms around the muscular male's waist - his head lowered. Theodore cleared his throat before speaking, "It has been a lot for Jarvis, a dog shifter, who has been rejected by his own kind and close people just because of his breed. Chow Chow shifters are really not that popular so thus, they don't get recognition. As you know we live in a society, a system where only shifters are judged upon their breed. Not that we treated Jarvis the same way but how we acted like he was apart of our relationship when he was only here for a couple of days. A lot of things were very new to him and he didn't know how to react to them," He paused - making sure the rest of the cat shifters were paying attention to him.

"Jarvis wants to be in our relationship but not because of physical intercourse. To be respected and loved for once." He finished while they all stared at them before getting up and going in for a huge hug. Jarvis looked up, blinking away a few oncoming tears away.

"Thanks guys..." The short male said and hugged them with all he got. It seem like a happy ever after but was it really? These poor shifters didn't know what was stored for them.


During that evening...

"Are you really going to do this to them? Why do they matter to you?" Angela asked the mixed shifter who was standing before her, not single piece of clothing was on him. After their little discussion - Eadric planned on what to do with Theodore. His bear, black panther, and lion were debating inside his head on who should be the first one to knock out the cat shifters. Oh, how can they almost forget little Jarvis? They'll figure out what to do with him but the main objective was getting Theodore, making him their bitch and doing the heist.

The three of them had names, Albus the black panther, Timothy the bear, and Mora the lion. Once they were done, Eadric turned to Angela. "What did you said?" He lifted an eyebrow as he shifted into his lion - Mora. He stared at her as he waited for an response but once it failed to be delivered, he left the house. The tiger shifter stood there in silence. She wanted to stop him, she really did.

We don't sleep when the sun goes down.

We don't waste no precious time.

All my friends seem aloof.

Making up for teenage cry.

As the lion walked down the block, he scared off any nearby residents. He roared loudly - letting others know that he was around. When he reached their home, he looked into the window of the living room. It wasn't a very clear view through it but he caught a glimpse of Jarvis and the cat shifters before sensing his presence. Theodore stayed while the others left in a hurry. Perfect - he didn't had to worry about anyone getting in the way.

The window on the other side that lead to the kitchen was opened since he couldn't simply expected to be invited inside. So he jumped through the window as he saw Theodore stopped midway. He was going to try and close it so he wouldn't have a way to get in. As of that'll stop him, he would break all of the windows if he had to - truly. "Theodore, my love~" Mora purred out his name. The lion slowly approached the Maine Coon who glared at him. "Eadr- Mora..what do you want?" Theodore asked cautiously.

"I want you, we want you. Come with us and forget about these fools." He rubbed his head against the male's leg. "You think I'd just leave them like that? I don't want any of that to happen." He hissed, shifting into his cat form but he couldn't move away from the bigger one. Mora growled, "What's the purpose of being in a relationship with more than one person? I don't understand it." He had Theodore almost pinned up to the wall. "Why do you even care about us?! Do you still hold a grudge against me for ending OUR relationship?" Theodore scratched at him in anger.

Mora didn't responded, instead he pick up Theodore by his scruff which lead to him having discomfort and pain as he wasn't holding him the correct way before taking off. No more questions, no more waiting. He went back to his home and immediately went to a room where Theodore had never seen before. "Let me go you bastard!" He squirmed in his hold.

"Be patient little kitten."

The smaller cat attempt to hurt him again but had no success. However, he was let go shortly after. This room barely had any furniture, there was a bed, chair, and a dresser. The color of the walls was just white. Theodore looked around, "Eadric, I swear to god-"

"You're not going to be saying our names anymore. You'll be referring us as your Master. No more of this bullshit, Thoedore. You broke my heart real badly and I couldn't stand not having anything to fix it." He shifted back into a human. "Who's fault is that?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Theodore busted into laughter as he was a joke, "Stop trying to play the god damn victim here. You were overwhelming, obsessive, and protective. It was getting to the point where I didn't wanted to be with you anymore." He shook his head in disbelief. "You hold grudges so you never know how to let things go and now you're upset that I'm in another relationship."

Eadric chuckled, "You're going to stay with me forever and do this god damm heist." He went over to a table that was to the corner of the room. "This'll make things more easier.." He grinned as he went back over to Theodore, holding a syringe. "Be good for Master, okay?"

[Last edited; December 5th 2021]

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