Chapter 6

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"Eadric, we don't want to be apart of this. Do you know what they'll do to us if we got caught!?" Theodore said, annoyed. He signal the others to leave with a hand gesture but then Eadric growled deeply and grabbed Theodore's arm, "You won't get caught so stop making things harder then it has to be." He pulled him towards the table that had a blueprint of the place that he wanted to steal the diamonds, gold, and sapphires from. "Be a good kitty and do what I say. I want my damn stuff and I am going to get them." He pointed to a circled area and tap on it.

"It's in the basement of the Jewelry shop and it's not that difficult to get in. I have a hacker that'll hack into the security system and it turns out that the security system isn't even that secured." The mixed shifter explained to them.

Theodore didn't wanted to do this, including his cat, Lee. He looked at the blueprint and back at Eadric.

'Don't listen to him, he may be 3 different shifters in one but that doesn't mean he can control us.'

Lee said in the mind link.

'But that's what makes him imitating and powerful. He is a dom to everyone and you know what happens if we refuse but I will try to figure something out.' Theodore replied.

"My sweet kitty, what has gotten you all hold up? Trying to leave?" Eadric move away from him and went over to his desk, taking out shock collars. While Eadric was distracted for a moment, Theodore shifted and ran out of the room - soon to be followed by his lovers. Of course, the mixed shifter noticed the cats running out so he also shifted in his black jaguar form and began chasing after the cats.

"You want to play games, little kittens? Let's play."

Theodore shivered at the dark deep voice of Eadric's black jaguar, Albus, he was twice the size of the cats. It was straight up terrifying. They could hide anywhere because of their size unlike the jaguar. Theodore had hidden himself under a large sofa in the living room, hoping that Albus wouldn't hurt his lovers because it would be definitely over between them.

Albus was mainly after Theodore though so he saw the jaguar approached the couch and sniffed, "Why are you hiding from me, kitten? If you're so scared then I will make things better trust me." He said, trying to convince him but the Maine Coon didn't responded which cause the jaguar to grew impatient.

The couch was lifted over and Theodore ran quickly but he tripped, falling flat on a surface. He tried to get up but struggled, he realized that he fell into some sort of trap. Literally a glue mouse trap except it was bigger. Now since when did Eadric had traps in his house?

Theodore was stuck for good and it would a waste of energy if he spend his time trying to get out. Albus walked up to him slowly, chuckling at the cat shifter's current condition. "See what happens when you want to be a bad kitty and not listen to me?" He cooed, putting his paw on the wall and the sticky trap disappeared underneath the floor. The sticky glue had also vanished on his body. Theodore managed to get himself up although not fast enough to get away from Albus as he picked him up by his neck but gently.

"You're going to do this heist whether you like it or not." The Jaguar stated as he returned back to his room. The other shifters were back in the office. Eadric was mysterious, there was no way he could've catched them all while he was dealing with Theodore. He didn't even see him go any other direction because Eadric went after him first. Albus ordered him to shift back to his human form as he did too, his black jaguar was still in control as he had his small black rounded ears along with his tail.

Eadric had locked his door and windows to prevent any of them, well mainly just Theodore, to escape. Eadric put the shock collars each and one of them. Once everything looked good for the jaguar, he began his work.

He put the voltage up high so the shocks can be really painful. Theodore looked up at the jaguar with pleading eyes, "Albus, pleas-" Albus quickly silenced him by pressing the button and sent shocks to all of them, making them yell out from it. He then grab fistful of Theodore's hair, taking him over to table where the blueprint was. The cat shifter struggled in his grasp, wanting to get the hell out of here.

"You want to have a fit now? I would've been nicer to you if you hadn't decided to run off like that." Albus purred, letting out a loud laugh. "Even though I want to you to be with me again, I'll hold back off for now. I just want my stuff." He chuckled in amusement. Eadric took control again and after a few minutes of him discussing the plan of the heist, the cat shifters were exhausted.

The mixed shifter wanted to make sure this heist goes according to plan which lead to him making them stay much longer. He was obsessed with getting the diamonds, gold, and sapphires. He was not messing around. He kept thinking that he's going to get them and what he'll do once he got his hands on it.

Then the night was long after that.


[ Lasted edited; October 15 2021]

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