Chapter 15

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2 months have passed and Theodore and Jarvis were out of the hospital. Jarvis fully recovered from his injuries while Theodore still had to do a little more, at least he was able to speak now. When they were being picked up by the others at the hospital, Jamison snitched on Kyong while Apollo and Klavier remained silent during the car ride home. Theodore didn't responded to anybody but he had a lot on his mind. Plus, his lips were a bit numb.

"God damn it Jamison! Why do you always have to be a little bitch?" Kyong scolded and hit the Persian cat's chest. Jamison gasped, "What the hell? What's wrong with you? I tell Theo about you and suddenly you start getting all upset. For what? Stop being ridiculous, Kyong. It's not even that serious." He told him and faced the window.

Apollo was sitting in the middle of them and gave the two a look. "You both act like little bitches. It's way better to just ignore each other." He blankly stated and played Animal Crossing on his Nintendo Switch that Theodore had gotten him for last Christmas. Well, he mostly begged to have it anyways. Kyong rolled his eyes while Jamison looked over at Apollo and his game.

"I hope that your island, the villagers, and your stupid ass avatar dies."

Apollo didn't give him the satisfaction that he wanted as he continue to play the game and say nothing back. Theodore open his mouth slightly, "Once I get even more better, you all are getting punished. It doesn't matter if you never did anything, you're still going to get punished. Also, don't bring up events 2 months ago. I don't want to hear any of that, is that clear boys?" The Maine Coon shifter spoke with authority in his tone. The rest of them paused and nodded, "Yes, sir." They replied.


The shifters arrived home, heading their own ways. Theodore went to put his stuff away, shower, and go to bed. Jarvis immediately went into the kitchen to binge eat on his strawberry yogurts that he still had in the refrigerator. The rest decided to leave Theodore alone for a while until they can began doing their shenanigans again but Jarvis was well so it wouldn't hurt to mess with him.

The Chow Chow was sitting down at the table, he found some pretzels in the pantry and was dipping it into the yogurt. It wasn't even that bad. Although it might've not been a normal combination. Apollo came in and crossed his arms, "Jarvis, I do hope you know that isn't proper food. You should eat something else other than that." He stated and the dog shifter scoffed.

"Geez, Apollo! Why do you always have to be a pain in the ass?"

Jarvis exclaimed and hovered his yogurt in case if the cat shifter would try to take it. Apollo shook his head, "Stop acting like a stubborn brute." The Norwegian cat hissed and went over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Apollo looked Jarvis into his eyes and leaned forward a bit, "Once Theodore is better and after we get our punishments, I'm going to make you wish you never talked to me like that ever again." He boldly told him and moved away from the dog shifter.

Jarvis was taken back from his words and gave him a nasty look. Who was he trying to be? Theodore 2.o? Does the rest of them act like this when Theo isn't around? Right now he's recovering so that probably explains it. Jarvis didn't let what Apollo said to him effect him in any kind of way so he just stick his tongue out at him in a playful manner and went back to finish his yogurt.

With a 'tsk', Apollo left the kitchen and Jarvis smiled brightly. He snickered and was proud of himself for telling off the cat shifter like that. He never did that before to anyone else since he was afraid what they would say back or do but he didn't care anymore which was new. Has being around 5 cat shifters for a while changed him? He now started to stand for himself and not depend on others.

While Jarvis was eating in the kitchen, Klavier and Kyong were cuddling on the couch. Klavier nibbled gently on Kyong's gray ears and the Nebelung softly purred ever now and then. Klavier also touched his sensitive spots, such as his tail since it was very sensitive. The Ragdoll cat smirked and stroked Kyong's tail, watching it twitch due to his touch.

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