Chapter 12

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It has been 5 months since Theodore was last seen and the cat shifters knew who was behind all of this. Eadric, of course. They went to his house numerous times and the mixed shifter would constantly tell them that Theodore ran away which they hardly believed. Why would he just suddenly dissappear like that? There had to be an explanation. They even asked around the neighborhood and nobody was able to to give them any answers, including Angela.

Jarvis suddenly began to blame himself for everything and the rest tried to explain to him that it wasn't his fault. Someone was lying and it was Eadric, they'll have to do everything in their power to get the truth out of him. So one night, Jarvis volunteer and he wanted to achieve everything on his own. However, the 4 cat shifters were very hesitant on it but Jarvis convinced them and they allowed him. "Do you have a plan?" Kyong asked calmly. "Yes, I do. It's risky I'd say but I think it'll do.." The short male replied, fiddling with his fingers - he was nervous though he had to be brave or else it will not work.

"Risky? What is it?"

"Seduce him and try to get the answers out of him.."

They all looked at each other as if he had two heads. "Jarvis, you can't do that." Apollo shook his head, "We can come up with something else." The Chow Chow stomped his foot on the floor - "Trust me, it will work! Isn't that what he likes to do? He'll be blindsided by it," He straighten himself up. "I won't have sex with him but I'll try to stall him as long as it'll take." He finished and went over to them, straddling himself onto Apollo's lap. He connected their lips together before pulling away after. "We all want our Theo back.." Jarvis blushed as he said that and removed himself from the cat who was shocked.

"Don't worry about me but if something goes wrong, you guys will be my backup." They're the only ones he got, the neighborhood and law enforcements are afraid of Eadric so they wouldn't want to be in his way. It was definitely crazy how not a single soul could stand up to him except them. They will get their Theo back and nothing will stop them.


"Theodore, be a good kitten and get me some more wine." Eadric commanded, giving an empty glass cup to the other male who was sitting down beside the mixed shifter's bed. He always had to be in that position, walk on his hands and knees, his mouth closed shut with hard super glue so he couldn't talk at all. The poor male also had to wear a collar with bells on it. Before he was trapped here, Eadric injected something into him and he never knew what it was but it made him very weak, vulnerable. Eadric told him it was for his own good which was completely ridiculous. This definitely wasn't love, it was torture.

When Theodore left and returned, a slap across the face was the thing that awaited. "How many times do I have to tell you this? Sit before giving me something." Eadric scolded the muscular male. "Don't make me put super glue in your eyeballs and ears next because I will always gladly do so." He said before taking the wine from his hand and pointed over to the other side of the bed, where Theodore's resting place was - a large cage. Theodore was used to everything now and it extended to a point where he wasn't that bothered with dying.

The poor guy had lots of scars on him from Eadric who often uses a whip on him whenever he was being "bad". Before he started doing that, Theodore tried to escape and fight him of plenty of times but nothing worked - Eadric kept injecting him with the same substance until he no longer could defend himself. He also abandoned the heist since he had to keep his eyes on Theodore. He couldn't call anyone because his phone was taken and destroyed by the mixed shifter. As he entered his cage, he laid down on a thin blanket that covered the bottom. The Maine Coon didn't have any covers so he would sometimes use the blanket when it got cold.

"You have been a very good kitten today. Do you want an reward?" Eadric grinned, getting off his bed. Theodore knew actually what he was going to do, make him pleasure the other so he shook his head. The brute chuckled, "Oh, I almost forgot that you can't suck me off but that doesn't mean that I can't fuck you." Theodore kicked at the bars of the cage in anger - he was absolutely sick of being talked to like that. He shook his head again, letting him know he didn't wanted to participate. Eadric shrugged his shoulders, "Your lost, bud. I understand that you're not willingly to be my slut yet."

"Also, those son of a bitches won't leave me alone about you. It's sad, really. How they're so attached to you and won't let you go." The mixed shifter returned back to his bed. "I'm going to end up going somewhere else, where they won't be able to find me and you're coming with me obviously then you're going to be mine forever." He smirked, lifting up his white comfortable covers to show off. Theodore couldn't be more pissed off at him - he's not that good of a person but he definitely got worser over the years. He really hoped that the others would eventually find him as he doesn't know how long has it been.

Thankfully Eadric finally stopped babbling and went to asleep. Theodore knew he was a heavy sleeper so he got out of his cage and stood up. He stretched, hearing a few bones pop and crack. He looked over at Eadric, thinking of smothering him in his sleep. He should though, to escape him but Theodore wasn't going to do something like that. There is another way to get out of here. He just had to be smart and very careful. Now you may be wondering why he just don't walk out of there - he can't. Eadric's house is like some sort of technology advance bullshit or whatever the hell it was. All the windows and doors was block off by metal and you can't get through metal without certain tools.

Theodore entered the living room and went over to the couch, laying down on it. He sighed heavily, a few tears leaving his eyes. He quickly wiped it away and closed them. He had to be strong - Eadric wasn't going to get away from this.

'Burn in hell..' Theo said in his head before letting the darkness consume him.

[ Last edited; December 5th 2021]

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