Chapter 9

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It was the next morning and Jarvis still couldn't forget that encounter with the mixed shifter. He didn't know what to feel, his appearance, those golden eyes. He surely hate his tone with him. He despised shifters that were so full of themselves and didn't care about others. He hoped not to ever see Eadric again, he was too much for him.

Oh, and how piss off he gets when someone calls him a pup. Was it because he was short? It had to be, there wasn't anything else that made him look like a "pup". He huffed, as he ate his favorite strawberry yogurt in the kitchen. Jamison sat across from him, constantly staring at him. He thought that the Persian Cat didn't liked him although they confessed to him wanting him as their lover which was still weird.

How can he possibly be with 5 cat shifters? They would share him like they do with each other but was he up for that? Jarvis never really felt affection feelings towards another so the chances of him being with them wouldn't be high. They had some sort of affect on him though.

"Not to be rude or anything but do you always eat yogurt for breakfast?" Jamison asked. Jarvis looked up at him and frowned, was that a bad thing? The way he said that sounded like it did.

"I like yogurt.." He responded and avoided eye contact, resuming to eat. He had gotten some of the delicious treat on his lips and he went to wipe it off with the sleeve of his cozy sweater when Jamison took a hold of his arm - his eyes were on the other's soft pink lips. "Eating it everyday is not good for you," The taller male leaned towards him.

Jarvis was frozen in place, not sure how to reacted as Jamison came closer. The Persian Cat closed the gap between them and licked the yogurt off his lips before slowly slipping his tongue into his mouth. This made Jarvis panic so he immediately pulled away. Jamison on the other hand shrugged and moved back to onto his seat, finishing up his breakfast. "You shouldn't use your clothes as a cloth." He soon added on.

Theodore entered the kitchen and obversed the two. Jarvis quickly emptied his bowl and washed it then left. The Maine Coon watched as the short male exited and glared harshly at Jamison. "What did you do?" He asked which Jamison replied back by gesturing to his own lips and saying, "I tried to kiss him but I guess it freaked him out soo.."

The muscular male was over at Jamison within a heartbeat and grabbed an fistful of his short curly white hair - pulling his head back. "What did I not say about doing any physical action with Jarvis? He's not ready for any of that!" Word after word, he pulled harder but ended letting go shortly. Jamison whined and put his hand on his head, "It wasn't like I did anything bad to him!" He defended himself.

"It doesn't matter." Theodore gave him a glare before leaving the kitchen. Jamison sighed heavily and didn't bothered to clean himself up which will likely result in a punishment later on.


When Jarvis entered his room, he locked his door. Many thoughts going through his head. Didn't the cat shifter hated him? Why did he do that? Did that meant he liked him? Should've he had let him continue? So many questions with no answers to them. Jarvis laid down on his soft comfortable bed and closed his eyes, hoping to forget what happened with Jamison.

The Chow Chow shifter woken up what would seem like a few hours later and wasn't in his own bed anymore. He looked around and the cat shifters were on the bed with him, bare naked. He soon realized that he had no clothing on either - feeling embarrassed and confused, he went to cover his bits when his arms were held up. Theodore was on top of him and began to leave soft kisses all around. It was clear that the Maine Coon didn't wanted Jarvis to get nervous, scared, or uncomfortable.

Jarvis was slowly slipping into his sub mindset, he couldn't control it. He hated going into it and no matter how hard he tried to stop it, nothing would work so he just let it do whatever. "T-Theodore..." He whimpered and squirmed. The others watched, very eager to join but they had to wait unless Theodore said so. They had to go slow, he said. It'll be worth the wait, he said.

Kyong, being quite the rebellious type, wasted no time as his hand trailed up the dog's leg and onto his member. He began to stroke it, making Jarvis gasped in surprise. Theodore stopped for a moment to see what Kyong was doing and scolded him with a hiss, his ears back. The Nebelung retreated back where he was and pouted. "Theo, please. We want him too.." Apollo spoke as his eyes were dead set on Jarvis, lust in his eyes. The muscular male sighed and had Jarvis sitting up. Golden eyes glowed and Theodore patted Jarvis's thigh, "Go ahead, be my guest but don't hurt him.

The cat shifters cautiously attended to the dog shifter and did their work, licking, kissing, pleasuring, etc. The Chow Chow was a moaning mess and couldn't think straight, he never knew that he would experience this new feeling. So yes, Jarvis is an virgin. He threw his head back as he climaxed for the first time. After that, he was panting and sweating. The rest cuddled up next to him once they were finished and showered him with sweet gentle kisses. Just absolutely what he needed, affection, not rejection.

"We love you, Jarvis.."


Jarvis soon woke up in sweat and his friend greeting him in the morning. The wonderful smell of breakfast being cooked in the air. He sighed in relief that none of the cats went to go check on him and saw his buddy. He lifted the covers off of him and things couldn't have gotten worst.

Why did he had that dream?

[ Last edited; December 4 2021]

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