Halloween Special

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It was midnight on Halloween and the cat shifters had gotten ready for an party that they were invited to. However, it was only for popular shifters or breeds which meant that a shifter like Jarvis couldn't go. Not like he wanted to anyway. It was probably going to be overcrowded and he will get claustrophobic, not that a lot of people were such a big deal. It was the fact that there would be people up against each other and having to squeeze your way through them.

He was sitting on the couch in the living as he ate varies of junk food, candy, popcorn, ice cream, etc. He watched The Nightmare Before Christmas since Theodore recommend he should, he wasn't a child but got treated as one. He was going to change it to the classic horror film, Friday The 13th once they left.

Apollo, Kyong, Theodore, and Klavier dressed up while Jamison didn't.

"Oh, Jamison. You're so boring!" Apollo exclaimed as he adjusted the belt of his pirate costume.

"I don't give a shit, Apollo. Say all you want, it's just a god damn stupid party." He crossed his arms, leaning on the door. Theodore came out of the bathroom, who was dressed up like a mafia boss with a black tuxedo suit and a fedora along with a cane. He gave the two a look, "Don't start it, today is supposed to be fun."

Jamison huffed, wanting to say something back but that would lead to consequences.

"And Jamison doesn't have to dress like we're doing, all that matters is his presence." The muscular male both gave them sweet long kisses on the lips before exiting their room.


Theodore made sure the house was clean, not a single dust shall lay anywhere and neither will a mess. He lectured Jarvis about eating up all the snacks and repeating, he couldn't be mad at him though.

Once everything was good, the cat shifters left to arrive at the party which was only a few blocks down.

The music was loud and could be heard from far away, normally someone would've tell to lower the music down. It didn't concerned them though.

"Who do you think is there?" Apollo asked, skipping down the sidewalk as the others walked.

Theodore shrugged in response, not everyone in the neighborhood knew him and neither did he knew them. "What if Eadric is there?" Apollo said jokingly and laughed afterwards, causing himself to get death stares from the shifters. He looked down in shame.

The rest of the walk was silence and they eventually reached the party, the music almost blasting their ears off. Different kinds of shifters and breeds were there dancing, drinking, and talking. The cat shifters headed to the kitchen and began to munch on the snacks there.

Theodore leaned up against the kitchen counter, drinking some iced water as he rarely drank alcoholic beverages. A few minutes pass and he was starting to get bored from the party, the loud music was giving him an headache. Then he was approached by a shifter and he looked at them, he raised his eyebrows. A female sheep shifter was too busy looking him up and down. She was wearing a devil costume and he couldn't help but stare her at four horns. Is that the reason she dressed as a devil? She was short, light brown skin and had an endomorph body type.

She snapped out of it and smiled brightly, giggling. "Hi, my name is Stephanie!" She is introduce with a thick British accent, definitely from the UK. "As you can tell I'm from England and came here to the States cuz' someone anonymously invited me." She looked back at the crowd of shifters, "I'm a Domestic sheep breed if you didn't know, can you guess the name?" She return her attention to him.

Theodore thought a moment, he barely knew any domestic sheep breed names unlike his own and a few others. "Uh..Valais Blacknose?" He said then shrugged his shoulders, that sheep breed wasn't four horned and is from Switzerland but that was the only name he could come up with since he had met one before he moved here. The sheep shifter snickered and shook her head, "I'm a Jacob sheep."

"Jacob sheep?"

"Yes, we were referred as the Spanish sheep because of early recorded history and has been bred in England for roughly 350 years." She giggled, "You don't need to tell me what cat breed you are, I can already tell."

She gently grabbed his tail and ran her fingers through his soft fur, "The largest domesticated cat breed and by far one of the most oldest natural breeds." She let go of his tail and reached up to touch his ears when he stopped her.

"Sorry, no touching there."

"You must be sensitive at the ears, it's okay." She smiled once again, not embarrassed nor hurt. "Maine Coons are beautiful cats and you surely are breathtaking." She said before leaving, never asking for his name or number.

Theodore looked towards the direction she went off too and heard someone cleared his throat, Kyong stood there. He softly mewled and laid his head down on the Maine Coon's shoulder, "Can we go home now? I'm tired and.." He didn't finished his sentence as Theodore felt his erection on his thigh.

"Of course, my little kitten."


( Last edited; December 4th 2021 )

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