Chapter 14

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The cat shifters went to visit Theodore and Jarvis at their local hospital. They had heard nothing from Eadric which was a relief. They were both fine, no serious injuries. Theodore's mouth was no longer shut by the glue but it gave his lips some damage to the tissue. All of them talk except for Theodore, in which he would glance at them from time to time. "I'm so glad you're both okay!" Kyong exclaimed as he planted kisses on their cheek. Jarvis smiled brightly and giggled, "We were from the beginning." He said - earning a glare from Theodore and caused him to stop. "Chill, Jarvis. Wait to make jokes when you're out of the hospital." Klavier calmly said and gave him a kiss on the lips. Jarvis pouted as the Ragdoll pulled away from him, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.."

They continued talking to each other until the nurse came in, a Snow leopard shifter, and had an exhausted look on her face. She looked at them and sighed heavily, "This is my first time seeing a Chow Chow and Maine Coon shifters. I've always been told they're super rare, is that true?" She stated and made sure stuff was in order. Apollo spoke up, "Well, I see plenty of Maine Coon shifters around all the time but a Chow Chow shifter," He paused for a moment to look at Jarvis who shrugged and continued. "I'd say they're pretty rare and I don't really know why."

"I'm the type to eavesdrop on conversations and there was this one time I heard two polar bear shifters talk about how other shifters in the system vote on what type of breed of a species they should eliminate and if I can remember, they brought up Chow Chows."

They all had shock on their faces, processing the information. Jarvis shook his head, not wanting to believe it. Klavier went to his side and kissed his forehead, "Don't think of it." He cooed. They felt bad for him and Apollo gave the Snow leopard a look, why would she bring up something like that at a moment like this? He could understand that she was just telling them something. It bothered him a bit too much, "Do you think that's inappropriate?" The nurse was silent after that, her thick tail would swish back and fourth and gave them one more last look before leaving the room. Apollo shook his head, "Sorry about that Jarvis." He peck his cheek and received a small smile from the Chow Chow.

"It's okay, you were just defending me."

"And I will do until the very end." The Norwegian Forest cat smirked and leaned in for a passionate kiss when Theodore cleared his throat, reminding them that he was still in the room. "Oh, we've also forgotten about Theo! Go show him some love too." Jarvis giggled once more. The cat shifters went over to Theodore's bed until the door opened again, this time it was a doctor.

"I hope I'm not interrupting but your time visit is up."

Another big cat shifter, a tiger at that. He was also very handsome. Theodore immediately kept an eye on Kyong's movements since he usually likes to check out other men out that he finds attractive. The Nebelung noticed this and went to focus on something else. The rest of them had sadden looks of their faces, not wanting to leave Theodore and Jarvis. Klavier pouted at the tiger, "Can we extend the visit?" He asked - hoping the doctor would let them but unfortunately he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, I am unable to let you as we have to do a few more exams on them and soon later prescribe them with medications."

It certainly would be no point to argue so they said their goodbyes to each other and left the room. The doctor looked at the two on the hospital beds. "Tsk," He shook his head. "I'm terribly sorry the trouble you had to go through with Eadric. I've should've warned you before you got with him but I was busy with work so I barely had any time." He stated, sighing as he flip through a few pages on his clipboard. Theodore and Jarvis looked at each other. Who was he? Eadric's friend, relative perhaps?
Theodore didn't know, when him and the mixed shifter got together, he wasn't never introduced to anyone in his family but that's probably because they'd say stuff about Eadric to him that'll make Theodore not want to be with the mixed shifter.

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