Bonus Chapter

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Sunrise came, soon enough the bright star was shining through the window. The curtains were not closed, again. Jarvis was the first one to wake up and was completely trapped in the arms of his lovers.  His ear twitched, stretching as he yawned. He tried to move but he couldn't, he is literally stuck between these cats. He groaned, "Guys, move.."

He waited and waited. After a few minutes, he struggled his way out of their hold. A hand reached out and grabbed Jarvis's leg when he was halfway there. A squeal came out of him when the hand tighten and was trying to bring him back down. The Chow Chow shifter huffed, looking to see who the hand belonged to which turned out to be Klavier.

The Ragdoll cat was half awake and tugged on Jarvis's leg. "Come back..sleep...where are you going?" He mumbled sleepily. The short male slapped his hand multiple times until he removed it. "I'm going to the bathroom or would you rather want me to pee on the bed?" Jarvis managed to finally free himself and get off the bed, heading over to the bathroom.

The others remained on the cozy bed until they began to wake up one by one. Kyong sat up and his eyes squinted due the sun shining through the curtains. He turned a bit to the side then smacked Klavier's forehead. "Is it that hard to close the curtains before going to sleep or what?" He sighed, getting up.

Klavier grunted and rubbed his eyes, "Fucking bitch.." He grumbled. Then Theodore came out of nowhere and took a fistful of Klavier's hair, making the other male yelp in pain. "It is way too early for this type of bullshit. Stop acting like children." The muscular male snarled through clenched teeth and removed his hand from the Ragdoll cat's hair. Klavier watched Theodore leave the room, "He shouldn't even be talking. He didn't had to do that, really." His fingers went through his hair.

Kyong had already closed the curtains and the room became dimmed. "Yeah, I could see there is no reason to be grumpy but he's right." He informed his lover. Klavier rolled his eyes and threw the covers off of him. "Hey now, don't act all fussy."

"Jesus christ, I am so sick of you guys telling each and one of us what to do and not to do!" He exclaimed, sighing heavy in frustration. Kyong narrowed his eyes and looked over at him. He controlled his composure, walking over to Klavier.

"We or Theodore, say things so you won't end up doing something you'll regret later on or hurting someone." The Nebelung cat explained to him. The Ragdoll shifter gave him a 'really' look. "Kyong, I know that. I'm not a child. We try to keep each other safe because we really love one another." He stated. His significant other nodded in acknowledgment. They didn't enjoyed getting into deep talk like this but it would come around once in a while. Plus, it meant letting one express their feelings or any emotions that they kept in but it showed their affection.

Everyone got ready for the day. There wasn't much food to cook, including breakfast so Theodore and Jarvis went out to buy some groceries. The others just lounged around. Apollo entered the living room, his hands on his hips as he glared at Klavier, Kyong, and Jamison on the couch and watching television. "Um, hello? Today is nice so why can't we just go outside? Get some fresh air." He said, going over to the Persian cat shifter and snatching the remote out of his hand before turning the TV off with it.

The three of them groaned and whined, Jamison took one of the couch pillows and threw it at him. In which, he almost knocked over a glass vase that was on small table next to the TV. Thank god he missed because things wouldn't look too nice for him. They all stared at Jamison who looked at them with an anger look on his face.

"What? Nothing happened to it."

Apollo sighed, "Anyways, as I said before. Why don't we go outside? Sitting around and doing nothing at all is just boring, ain't it?" Klavier scoffed, a evil grin plastered on his lips. "Not unless we have sex." He replied in a playful manner. The Norwegian cat shifter shook his head, not fully understanding how he deals with these idiots. Kyong stood up and wrapped his arms around Apollo's neck, leaning in as he starts kissing him. The other male tried to pull back since he knew where this was going to go but he couldn't while the kisses got passionate and aggressive. Klavier and Jamison looked at each other, slightly moving closer to each other until the front door opened. Theodore and Jarvis came in with grocery bags.

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