Chapter 13

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At midnight, Jarvis arrived at Eadric's house - wearing revealing clothes that he hoped to increase his chances of getting to him. He knocked a few times and checked the windows to see if Eadric or possibly Theo was in there but it was blocked by metal which confused him. It took a few minutes until the door was opened by the mixed shifter himself. A annoyed look was on his face before it quickly faded away once he saw Jarvis all by himself. "What brings you here, pup?" He asked, looking him up and down - a smirk forming on his lips. The short male tried not to grimace since he truly hated being called a pup. Instead he put his hand on Eadric's chest, "I'm not here for Thoedore but the others have been bothering me ever since he left and they're not entertaining..." The dog shifter pouted - giving him puppy eyes. "So then I thought we can have some fun.."

Eadric gave him a look, not sure to pretend to fall for his trick or not. He poked his head out to see if anyone else was around and about. He roughly grabbed Jarvis by his arm and pulled him inside, closing and locking the front door. "That sounds lovely but I'm not stupid to go down for your tricks." He shoved Jarvis onto the floor then proceeded to step on his back with his foot. Eadric laughed, "I know what you're trying to do, pup. I just hope that you're aware that things are not going to go according to your plan." The mixed shifter remove his foot off his back and gave Jarvis a blow to his ribs - causing the male to cry out in pain. "You want to see Theodore? You miss him, don't you?" He spoke in a playful tone before disappearing for a moment to only return back with a bruised up Theo, scars nearly everywhere on his bare upper body, his hands tied up, and his mouth still remains glued shut.

Jarvis groaned as he moved his body to get a better look at Theodore and was speechless. He was deeply heartbroken at the sight of him. All these months he has been suffering, locked up and unable to do anything. Tears filled the Chow Chow's eyes and he glared up at Eadric, who stood there with a stupid grin on his face. "You fucking monster!" He yelled at him and grunted, the pain from the blow to his ribs ached. "Why would you do that to him.." Jarvis shook his head and looked away from Theo, he couldn't stand the sight of seeing him like this. Eadric laughed and grabbed the other male by his hair, "You honestly think I care about that? No, I absolutely do not." He brought Jarvis up to his feet and took out a knife from his back pocket, putting it into the dog shifter's hand. "Since you care about Theodore so much, I want you to carve the words, 'I Love You' on his chest." The male stated blankly and moved Jarvis so he was close and in front of Theo, who was on his knees.

The brunette boy stood there completely frozen, was the guy out of his fucking mind? Why would you want somebody to do that to another person? "You sick fucker! I'll never do that to Theodore!" And without any hesitation, Jarvis stab Eadric in his arm and abdomen - thankfully it wasn't enough to kill him but to catch him off guard. The mixed shifter scream out in pain and stumbled a few times before falling onto the floor. Jarvis threw the knife away and grabbed Theo by his arm, getting him up as they quickly ran towards the door - with some strength that Jarvis had left, he managed to break the door open. Fleeing away with Theodore as he rushed to get back to the house before Eadric could get his hands on them.

They both made it back safely and nearly collapsed on the floor when they entered. The cat shifters were all waiting in the living room till' Theodore and Jarvis came in. They all rushed by their sides to attend to them, worry, shock, sadness, and all other expressions on their faces. "We need help, somebody, anybody!" Jarvis called out - even though they got away from Eadric, doesn't mean he won't try to get back at them. Plus, was there a possible way of the mixed shifter getting arrested? He isn't in the ranks of the system in which he and a few others still has privilege in the neighborhood regardless of that. There have been times when shifters like Eadric gotten away with or not charged for certain crimes due to their breed and species popularity in this society. Jarvis hoped that wouldn't happened today, especially when their life is in danger. "I'll call the ambulance and any authorities that'll deal with Eadric." Apollo calmly stated and kept an eye out for the mixed shifter.

After a few minutes of talking, Apollo gotten some help. Klavier took care of Jarvis while the others had their focus on Theodore. "This makes me wish that son of a bitch wasn't even in our lives or existed!" Kyong hissed as he untied Theo's hands, staring at his sealed lips. "What kind of person would do this?!" Pain was in the Nebelung's voice and he forced himself not to burst into tears. "A damn psychopath who is a fucking sadist." Jamison responded and added on, "He's going to pay for what he has done." Apollo gave a small nod of his head - agreeing. They continue to aid at the injured shifters until professional help eventually came, taking Jarvis and Theodore away while the rest of them were asked a couple of questions about the situation. With the helpful information, they hoped that Eadric would end up behind bars for good or receive a severe punishment. While everything seemed under control, the cat shifters just had to wait.

"I hope they're going to be okay..." Kyong sighed, they are all very close to Theodore since the day each and one of them met him. Apollo hummed whilst grooming the Nebelung's gray ears, "They'll get better, we don't have to worry about Eadric anymore." He reassured him and gave him a small peck on the cheek, moving away from him. Jamison crossed his arms - "Seriously, this system is extremely ridiculous, only rare or famous breeds of shifters get to have almost everything and especially those ones who are not even in it." He shook his head. They didn't say anything else after that until Klavier spoke up, who has been quiet for quite a while. "Remember Dorothy? That female Doberman shifter?" He mentioned. Dorothy was a friend of theirs that was murdered by high ranking shifters at a party, it was crowded and she accidentally spilled wine on a Poodle shifter because someone bumped into her. Of course she apologize numerous of times but they accused her of doing it on 'purpose'. They pushed to her limits when they began to harass her but she tried to avoid any conflict. The rest of story ends up in a fight, Dorothy getting kicked out of the party, then later being killed a few days later after the incident. Others thought that she took her own life when that wasn't even the case, there were witnesses, who was at party, some attempt to tell people what actually happened but was forced to keep their mouths shut or else they'll be killed too because obviously special shifters like those are afraid of losing their reputation, wealth, and rank. So that was a prime example of privileged shifters getting away with crimes, especially murders.

Theodore himself was high in the ranks as well before he even met the other cat shifters. It's heavily based on good looks so if you had a very well appearance, such as having the average weight of the gender, what you wore on a daily basis, and could afford many items that were expensive, and were a certain type of breed of a species - you'd receive a rank. With that, you can do everything you can dream of, the people in the system gives shifters that has ranks have access to many things. However, it isn't fair to shifters who are not like that and don't have a rank at all. It's not like they were in a monarchy, other shifters had rights and all that but were sometimes treated as a low ranking class. If it gets any worse then people will want a change, for good.

Despite all that, Kyong, Klavier, Apollo and Jamison went into their room. Snuggling and cuddling up each other as a few purrs were heard. They didn't wanted to stress themselves out with the situation they had and only hoped to see their lovers get better.

[ Last edited; December 5th 2021 ]

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