Chapter 3

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Jarvis stood up and processed what Theodore had just said to him, they wanted him apart of their relationship? Why, how, and what? Wasn't it too early for that? It was only his 7th day here and they want him to be in their relationship. He thought if they think before speaking, he doesn't really know them that well so how could he possibly become their lover? His heart began to race and he blinked a couple of times, "I-I..." He couldn't get the words out of his mouth but he wanted to tell them that he wasn't ready for any of this. 

"I'm not-" Jarvis was interrupted when Theodore held his hand up, the cats no longer had their attention on the dog but on something out. Then that's when it hit him, there was a presence lingering around the house and it didn't felt good. "Angela..." Theodore hissed and went over to the window, looking out of it. He saw a white Bengal Tiger shifter sitting on their lawn as people walked by, not wanting to interfere since everyone knew the fierce tigress except for the Chow Chow. The rest of the males shifted back into their human forms, "This god damn bitch never wants to stop bothering us." Kyong said before pushing pass Theodore and opened the window.

"Get the fuck off of our property, you slut!" The gray haired male shouted and caused the female to turn her head towards him. "That's not how you greet a friend, now isn't?" She responded. Theodore hissed and grabbed Kyong, his fluffy tail up. "Angela, please leave at once, we have nothing to deal with you." The male stated -︎ glancing at Jarvis who was completely confused about everything and was going to leave when the female tiger roared.

"Why do I smell an unfamiliar scent?"

Then out of the blue, Angela was in the kitchen sniffing at Jarvis. The rest of the cats quickly moved the dog shifter away from her. "Who is this that you don't want me to see?" She seem harmless and really friendly but she could just be acting like that for now. She shifted in human form, fully clothed, her long white hair in a ponytail -︎ "I don't know why you're all acting like I'm going to hurt you." She shook her head and went over to the refrigerator, "Fruits, vegetables, yogurt!" She reached and took out a few containers of strawberry yogurt which Jarvis loved to eat.

The small male whined quietly, "Um.." He tried to say something until Theodore spoke up. "Put that back where it was, it's not yours." He scratched Jarvis behind his ears. Angela looked over at them as she began to eat the yogurt, "I'm hungry and we've been through this, Theodore." She gave him a sinister smile, her eyes landing on Jarvis. She held the container up and waved it around, "Is this yours, honey?" She tilted her head -︎ clearly interested in him.

Jarvis nodded, he wanted to show bravery even though shifters like her could be dangerous. He step out behind the cats and approached the female, looking straight into her eyes. "It is mine, so would you please kindly put it back? I am not looking for any conflict with you, Ms.Angela." He said without stuttering or pausing between his words. Inside, he was screaming. The tigress put the containers back except one and for turned to Jarvis, "You are absolutely ravishing, my darling." She grabbed his shoulder and made him practically moved closer to her body before opening the yogurt then throwing it onto the floor, making a mess.

"I would devour you in seconds." She whispered in his ear, her eyes glowing. Her nails digging into his shoulder. Jarvis yelped at the sharp pain and went to move away from her when she held onto his waist, keeping a tight grip on him. She growled as Theodore moved towards them, "Angela, you're going to make me have no choice but to call Eadric and you know that we don't want that." Angela frozed as that name was mentioned and immediately let go of Jarvis. She wouldn't had let him go if Theodore couldn't call him.

Besides Angela being feared because of her dangerous behavior, Eadric was way worser than any other common dominant shifter. He was a mixed shifter, a lion, black jaguar, and a grizzly bear all in one. He isn't in a system unlike other shifters and he can literally do anything as he pleases. A mixed shifter is ultra mega rare as if a breeder was trying to breed two different species, usually the offspring will come out with mutations and not a whole new breed. So Eadric became very famous because of that. Everyone is not sure what his backstory is or how he was born -︎ he rarely comes out of his home but he isn't always in a great mood.

Jarvis was confused, scared, and hurt. Who were Angela and Eadric? The cat shifters must have some sort of history with the female. Theodore took Jarvis into his muscular arms and began to groom his ears, causing the dog to relax. Angela glared at the both of them, snarling at them. Her ears perked up as a loud roar was heared throughout the neighborhood and that only meant one thing, Eadric. Angela quickly shifted and gave the rest of the shifters a long look, "This won't be the last time you'll ever see me, dog." She then jumped out the opened window and ran to the direction of her home, wanting to avoid the mixed shifter as he was out of his house for now.

Apollo closed the windows and locked doors, except the kitchen, not that Eadric could bust into their home even though he could. "Into the room, now." Theodore demanded and let go of Jarvis, giving him to Kyong. The shifters left the kitchen and the Maine Coon stayed, waiting for another encounter with the shifter.

"I absolutely love how you don't scatter away like scared sheep." A dark low voice came from behind Theodore and a loud purr was let out. The cat turned to his protagonist with his head down as a sign of respect. "Why would I run away from such a gorgeous shifter like you?" He had a light smirk on his face before looking at him. Eadric chuckled, reaching over to Theodore as he went over his muscles and his eye twitched. The mixed shifter had a brown skin tone along with some dreadlocks, he was muscler too like Theodore but clearly he was the most dominant shifter in the neighborhood. His hazel eyes scanned over the cat and light flicked off of them, his lips curling into a grin.

"Midnight, dinner in my home, bring your lovers as well. We have business to discuss."

[ Last edited: October 15 2021 ]

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