Chapter 10

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The cat shifters were making breakfast as usual and the morning was delightful until Apollo came rushing in. He had a huge grin plastered on his face and his tail wrapped around his leg. "Guess what I just witness!?" He exclaimed and jumped around, almost knocking down a few items. Theodore hissed and roughly grabbed the Norwegian Forest Cat, making him get down on his knees.

"It's way too early for this Apollo and you know it." The muscular male scolded and had left him like that till' he was finished making breakfast for all of them. "Is Jarvis up?" Theodore asked, putting pancakes on their plates. Apollo whined as he went to get up but got an glare from Theodore meaning that he shouldn't move. "I was just about to talk about him.." He softly said.

"Well? What did you 'witness'?" Jamison spoke up, taking a huge bite out of his pancake. Everyone was staring at Apollo, waiting for an response. He gulped before saying, "I went to go check up on him and then I hear moaning coming from his room so I entered.." He paused for a bit - feeling Theodore's eyes burning into his soul. "It was Jarvis who was moaning, it seemed like he was having a wet dream, about us cuz' I heard him say some of our names, and he had a boner.." Apollo finished and went into a giggling fit.

Kyong purred in excitement, "If that happened then he's ready for us to destroy that sweet innocent ass of his."

Theodore slammed his hand onto the counter - making everyone jump. "I think I really have to make more rules and they'll be so fucking strict." He took the their rule list off the refrigerator and put it onto the counter, "Do not check on Jarvis when he is in his room without permission and collars will be tight around your fucking necks when we play." He added onto the list before putting it back on the fridge.

The cat shifters all groaned and sighed, all the rules were specific. "If only he would be with us already.." Klavier said and ate his pancake. "He's only been here for a couple of days - how do you expect him to do that?" Jamison spoke up, rolling his eyes. It's not even afternoon and things start off ridiculous.

The Ragdoll male glared at his lover, "Says the one who tried to kiss him." He mumbled quietly enough so he couldn't hear him.


Jarvis cleaned himself up and everything like that but he still couldn't believe he had that kind of dream. He remembered every single part of it and couldn't stop thinking about it. Since he thought it wasn't normal - he decided to tell the cat shifters about it and see what they'll tell him because he was so confused.

Oh, how innocent he was - however, he never experienced something like that before. He exited his bedroom and went to the kitchen in a hurry, nearly tripping over an invisible object. The cat shifters all turned to look at him once he entered - his brown eyes darting at everyone. Jarvis was panicking on the inside, will they even believe? Ignoring the fact that they always engage in physical intercourse, of course they'll know what a wet dream is.

"I..had a dream.." He started off, his ears going back. Before he can continue on - Apollo was snickering while Kyong smirked as Klavier smiled brightly at him. "..but I don't think it's normal.." The Chow Chow finished  - he was nervous at what their responses would be. Theodore held his hand up, "Jarvis, we already know and it's fine to have those dreams." He said bluntly.

"We all have them here but do you know what they're called?"

Jarvis shook his head, "N-No.." He felt like he was about to go into his mindset even when it was not being triggered by anything but he thought it was because of the way Theodore spoke to him. His fluffy cream tail was curled around his waist while he fiddled with his fingers, he tried controlling it at the best of his abilities but he was weak. Before Theodore could replied to him - the dog shifter ran over to the muscular cat and buried his face on his stomach. "Sir..?" He then looked up at the taller male.

"Don't leave me..."


A white Bengal Tiger made her way over to no other than Eadric's home. After her  unexpected visit to her ex's house, she began spying on them as she was told to by the mixed shifter. She hopped into one of the open windows and Eadric was sitting on his sofa in the living room - waiting for her. She then shifted into her human form, fully clothed. His eyes narrowed at her for her entrance, "Why don't you just enter through the door? Is it really necessary to come by windows?" He asked and wave his hand away in dismiss - he didn't have time for that. He wanted to get straight to business.

"Any updates so far?" Eadric asked, taking a sip from his red wine.

"So far, I believe the dog is getting close to them. I think he's going to be their lover." The female replied, going over to him and kneeling by his side. "Not to be rude or anything but why does it matter?" Eadric gritted his teeth, he gripped the wine glass tightly - almost making it shatter in pieces. He couldn't believe it. "It matters because I want Theodore all to my fucking self! He's mine! He needs to do the god damn heist!" He stood up in anger, shoving the wine glass at Angela's chest and spilling the rest of wine on her.

"I don't care that our relationship ended, I still want him but nooo, he had to be in another relationship with more people. HE LEFT ME!" Eadric shouted - running his hand through his dreadlocks. Angela whined quietly, trying to wipe the wine off her clothes. She got up and kept her head low, "Perhaps we can start our own?"

The mixed shifter burst in sudden laughter, "Are you being ridiculous now, Angela?" He lifted her chin up - "You know I'm attracted to the same sex. I don't even have to say that." He smirked as tears left the tiger's eye. "I-I meant to make Theodore jealous!" She suggested.

"Theodore wouldn't care about us if we were together, he hates us." The male then digged his sharp nail into Angela's shoulder - making her cry out in pain.

"That son of a bitch will be mine and I'll make sure of that."

[ Last edited; December 4 2021]

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