Chapter 7

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Jarvis has spent his time doing the same thing over and over again, eating, sleep, playing. Being alone in the house was fun. He even sneaked into the cat's room, he eaten a few snacks but not all of them so he searched around the room to see if they had any which they didn't. The room was clean, basically spotless.

He opened one of the top drawers of their dresser and immediately regretted it, lubricates, condoms, and lots of toys. There was a whip too, why was that there? Jarvis slowly closed the drawer and ran out of the room to his.

He knew what the toys were but he didn't understand the purpose of the whip being there. It definitely wasn't used for pleasure, he doubt it.

The Chow Chow shuddered and tried to forget what his eyes had witness. He went to take a nice bath and then shift afterwards. Sometimes he liked it when they had their attention on him, it felt good and overwhelming at the same time. He jumped onto his bed and got under the covers, letting the darkness consume him.


After almost what felt like 2 hours of totally torture, the cat shifters were worn out. They were all leaning on something. Wall, desk, or window. "See? All you had to do was listen." He shook his head, lighting up a cigarette. "It's not going to be hard, is it Theodore?" He let out some smoke and looked over to the Maine Coon who was leaning on the wall of the office with a tired look on his face.

"I supposed so." Theodore said, he didn't mean it all and it was obvious by his tone. He doesn't understand why he needs them. They're not the type of shifters for this and it's illegal in the first place. Since Eadric has connections with the law authority, they wouldn't help them so it'll be no use in getting the authorities involved. Eadric saw this and grimaced, "Don't lie to me."

Theodore sighed and stopped leaning on the wall, going up to the mixed shifter. "We don't want to do this. Why can't you get a different group of shifters that would actually want to partake in this heist?" He went up in his face. "What part of no don't you understand? You're still forcing us to do this when I completely said that we don't." He moved away from him and got his belongings.

The rest did the same and soon they left and hoped not to see the dreadful mixed shifter any time.


The cat shifters arrived at their home at 1 AM, expecting to see the place trashed because of Jarvis but it wasn't. Theodore immediately checked the cabinets where the snacks were kept and noticed that a few were gone. He sighed, it wasn't a big deal - it's not like they'll starve to death. There was plenty of food.

"Let's avoid him from now on and not do the heist." Apollo spoke, stroking the fur on his tail.

Jamison rolled his eyes, "That's what we've been doing for a long time!" He hissed and stomped his way to their room, turning on the shower in their bathroom.

"I didn't mean-" Theodore grabbed Apollo and put a finger to his lips, "You don't have to explain yourself to him." He let go of him. "Go bathe, eat, and rest." He said as he left to Jarvis room.

Apollo, Klavier, and Kyong did what they were told and headed for their room, forgetting what happened a few hours go.

While Theodore head to Jarvis's room and seeing the dog shifter asleep, he stood in he doorframe. "I know you're asleep but I know you ate some of the snacks. However, I'm going to let you be." He said as he left and closed the door.

"If you were our lover then you would've suffer some consequences, puppy."

[ Last edited; October 15 2021]

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