Pegasus II

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Ottawa Citizen
November 23, 2019

Pegasi have long been spotted across Canada, being comfortable nesting anywhere near food. Big cities are often favourite nesting grounds for pegasus herds. However, for the first time, a small herd has made its home on the roof of Parliament in Ottawa.

The herd, consisting of three stallions, two mares, and a foal, appeared four days ago. Locals and tourists alike have stopped by to take a peek. It's not everyday that the government has a pegasus problem.

"We know the law as well as anybody else," Minister Lawson of the federal department of magical creatures, "the herd will be gently encouraged to leave, by professionals. No Pegasi will be harmed on the centre of our democracy."

The statement was met with some backlash however, with activists calling the minister hypocritical. The minister recently introduced a bill that would allow people to remove mythical infestations themselves, without professional aid. It's been seen as a gateway for corporations to supposedly 'dispose' of creatures on the black market.

Regardless, the Parliament Hill Pegasi will be safely relocated within the following weeks.

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