Chapter 1

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Third Person Pov

Eren and Levi had been together for five years now, Happily married and trying for a baby. Since Eren is an omega he is able to conceive and luckily he had just gotten pregnant. Levi was ecstatic and even cried with joy when Eren told him that they were having a baby.

Three months later Levi was away on a business trip when Eren called him in a panic, saying that he was bleeding. Levi planned to come home the next night after he had called Hanji and she told him that it could be serious. What he wasn't expecting was to arrive at the hospital to Eren sitting in bed staring at his hands in his lap and silently crying before hearing the worst news of his life from Hanji,

"I'm so sorry Levi, but Eren had a miscarriage and won't be able to have children anymore. We had to give him a hysterectomy because he had a small tumor that developed with the baby causing complications. I'll leave you two alone"

Levi pov

The first thing that I thought was that it was Eren's fault. I was selfish but i was so upset that I couldn't think clearly and instead of comforting Eren I yelled at him.

"How dare you!!"

Eren looked shocked as he looked up at me


"you heard me Eren! This is your fault! You killed our child Eren and you have nothing to say?! You know how badly I wanted kids and you screwed everything up! I knew you were always just a fuck up!!"

He was crying even more now as he tries to speak through the tears

"But...I... I didn't ... I tried..."

"You tried what?!! You never took care of yourself and look what happened!! I can't even look at you anymore, I'm done!!"

I turned away and stormed out of the hospital back to our apartment that I had bought to pack my stuff while leaving a note for Eren

You can keep the apartment. I'm leaving. I'll send you the divorce papers soon

I drove 40 mins to my house just outside the downtown area. (Levi owns several houses and apartments since he's rich)

At that point I vowed to forget about Eren which was hard since Hanji had called me 50 times in the last hour, probably to scold me but i was so upset that I didn't answer and decided it's probably best if I just stay away from her for a while too.

Eren Pov

After Levi stormed out i was so mad at myself and at him that i started crying even harder and hyperventilating until Hanji ran in and helped me breathe again,

"Eren? What happened? Where's Levi?"

I slowly explained what happened, and when I was done, she immediately grabbed her phone and left a bunch of nasty messages for Levi about how grateful he should be for me, but I was still so upset that when she left to get me a blanket i grabbed the sweatpants and hoodie that Hanji had brought me for when i could be released in two days. I put the clothes on, and put my hood up before walking out of the hospital avoiding eye contact with any nurses so they would just think i was a visitor.

I tried not to limp since i still had staples in my stomach which hurt like a son of a bitch, but soon all my pain would be gone. Not only did my body hurt, but my heart did too. When an Alpha rejects an Omega it's painful for the omega way more than it is for the Alpha. After they had mated then it is extremely painful for the Omega if the Alpha leaves.

Once i was outside i walked into the park down the street which had a river through it. By the time I got there I was out of breath and about to double over from the pain of my incision and soul.

I had just enough energy to climb over the small railing. Looking down into the rushing water i was ready to end all my pain and make Levi's life easier without me when someone grabbed me. I was so cold and hurt that I passed out before I could fight the person off and jump. The last thing I saw was blonde hair before everything went black.

All I felt was pain physically and mentally. My body hurt from the surgery and my mind hurt from my mates abandonment. Like I said a mates rejection or abandonment doesn't kill the other, but it does make them extremely vulnerable, reckless, and broken. I didn't care if I never woke up.

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