Chapter 22

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Levi pov
As we arrived at the house we knocked and luckily the one and only buyer of Eren opened the door. Hanji surprisingly stepped in front of Erwin and I and punched him square in the face before he could even say hello, making him fall to the ground with a bleeding nose.

“What the fuck?!” he yelled

Hanji grabbed him by the collar and held his face to the ground while twisting his arm behind his back. 

“Listen you fucker, we are here for Eren!! You’re lucky we have the police on the way or i would torture you in my lab, breaking all your bones and injecting you with acid till it ate you from the inside out.”

He was breathing heavily and looked scared shitless

“Ok, ok wait, please. Um the omega is upstairs.” he started to smirk, “but he’s a perfect omega now. You’ll be quite pleased with how obedient he is now.” 

Hanji quickly twisted his wrist causing a sickening crack and a scream was let out as his wrist was bent backwards, indicating an obvious break. 

Erwin and I left Hanji to handle this man as we headed upstairs to get Eren. My scent was strong as I became increasingly excited to have Eren back in my arms again. We opened every door until we opened a bedroom door and saw a chain connected from the wall to something on the other side of the bed. We couldn’t see what it was until we walked around the bed and saw Eren naked and kneeling next to the bed with his hands in his lap. He was staring down at his hands and didn’t answer when I called his name. He looked malnourished with messy hair and was nodding his head, obviously trying not to fall asleep. I got closer to him and kneeled down in front of him and told, him

“Eren.. look at me sweetheart. You’re okay now. We’re gonna take you home now baby.”

He was quiet and looked a little confused before replying, “im sorry sir. I did not know you were talking to me. If you would like to call me Eren, feel free. Master has named me 001. What may i do for you sir?”

My tears fell down my cheeks as Erwin tried to get the chain and collar off of Eren.

“What no Eren, I'm taking you home.” i said

“Ok, has the Master sold me to you sir?’ he asked. 

I sighed as Erwin was able to detach the chain from the wall. The collar was still on as I grabbed a blanket and wrapped Eren up in it to carry him outside.

“Sure Eren. and Call me Levi okay? Just sleep okay? You look tired baby. I’ll wake you up later.”

He relaxed in my arms and closed his eyes

“Yes si..r. I mean Levi. sorry.” 

He almost instantly fell asleep in my arms as Erwin and I looked at eachother with sad expressions. It was time to let the police take the man downstairs before Hanji killed him and headed home. 

Eren slept the whole way back to my house. I had Hanji stay to check up on him. I trusted Hanji more than any doctor.

After what felt like forever Hanji walked into the living room from my room where Eren was sleeping in my bed to update us.

“Ok. This is not going to be easy.”

“Spit it out.” i said impatiently. I could see the pain and worry in Hanji’s eyes which made me 10 times more worried than I was before.

 “I got the collar off with the help of Erwin and it appears he was being injected with something. That may be why you noticed he had amnesia, but i can’t be sure until i go home and test the substance. He is also malnourished and has bruises all over him. He has whip marks and cuts on his back and bruises. He has 001 carved into his hip so I treated all his marks but that one will definitely scar.”

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