Chapter 13

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A/N: Hopefully you all are washing your hands and staying safe during this crazy time. This chapter is all fluff but, next chapter will be a special smut one. That's right, it's finally time!! Also I forgot that this was an omegaverse so i'll be referencing that a lot more. Anyway, Enjoy!!

It had been a couple days since Eren had been discharged from the hospital. He was currently living with Levi since they knew that Matt was capable of accessing Hanji and Erwin's house. Luckily Levi was very concerned with cleanliness as well as security, so he had the top notch locks and cameras at his place. The Police had also been notified and had a search warrant out for Matt.

Eren had gotten used to living with Levi again and sleeping in the same bed. It made him feel much more comfortable to cuddle up in his arms again and remember the good old days. Levi had obviously changed from the way he acted towards Eren and how he gave him more control around the house. Before when Eren would put a dish in the wrong spot or not scrub the floors a certain way, Levi would tell Eren how wrong he was and would move him aside to do it himself. Now Levi didn't mind. He still was a stickler for keeping the laundry put in the hamper and having the dishes done after dinner, but he didn't care if they did the dishes later or if one shirt was on the ground. Eren knew Levi had worked to be a better man while he was gone and it was very much appreciated.

Currently, the pair were on the couch watching a movie. Eren seemed to not be focused and kept moving around in Levi's arms. Something was bothering him and Levi was gonna find out what it was.


"Sorry, i'll stop moving around."

Levi paused the movie, "No it's not that, it's just... is something bothering you. I'm here to talk if you want to."

Eren turned towards him and grabbed his hand.

"Levi, I haven't had a heat in a long time and now that I can't take suppressants it will probably happen in a week or so and I'm kinda scared. I would like you to be there but, do you think it's too soon? I don't wanna make you do anything. I mean.. I can probably handle it myself if you don't wanna be here."

Levi grabbed Eren by the chin so that they were making eye contact.

"Eren, I treated you so badly before, but if you will let me, I would love to be by your side through everything. This heat will be extra painful since you've skipped it for so long and I don't want you to suffer by yourself. I wanna be there to feed you and bathe you. Will you let me do that?"

Eren started tearing up as he moved closer to give Levi a kiss. They separated and Levi spoke,

"I'll take that as a yes?"

"Yes, Levi"

They fell asleep that night curled close together, with Levi scent marking Eren everytime he woke up.



The next morning Eren woke up and didn't feel Levi's arms around him anymore, he did however smell like the alpha and smiled at the fact that he had been scentmarked again. His inner omega was feeling gleeful and he felt like crying with happiness for the first time in years.

The smell of pancakes hit his nose and he smiled to know that Levi was still there and not at work. Eren hopped out of bed and felt like having more of Levi's scent on him so he opened up the closet and grabbed a black shirt out that smelt of his alpha. He took off his pj shirt and put it on. It was a little big on him and reached his mid thigh. He was wearing shorts but it kinda looked like he was only wearing the shirt.

He walked into the kitchen to find Levi listening to music while he made breakfast. Eren walked up and hugged him from behind, while hiding his face in Levi's back.

"Well, good morning love bug." Levi said

"Good morning Levi"

Levi turned around to embrace Eren in a hug. He picked up the smaller boy and placed him on the counter.

"I see you helped yourself to my shirt. Are you wearing any bottoms under there?"

He tried to playfully lift up the shirt to peak as Eren squealed and grabbed his hands preventing him from lifting it any higher

"Levi!!! Of course, I'm wearing shorts, silly!"

He giggled as Levi pouted and whispered in his ear,

"Aw, darn, I would have preferred nothing underneath." making Eren blush.

Luckily for Eren breakfast was done so Levi served them a plate and brought it to the table. Levi pulled Eren into his lap and fed them both as Eren rambled about some random things that had happened while they were seperated. Levi felt content and his inner Alpha was quiet for the first time in a while since the omega was back in his life and safe.

One thing Levi noticed throughout the day though was slight mood changes with Eren, He knew Eren's heat was coming up but suspected it might be sooner than either of them thought. Possibly within the next few days, so he made sure to get lots of food and water. He got Eren's favorite peach scented bubble bath soap and scheduled for Hanji to watch Titan during this time so they wouldn't have to worry about walking him. It was good that Eren was living with him for now since Matt didn't know his address and he was sure that they would be safe no matter what. All that was left was to wait for Eren's heat to hit and pray that it wouldn't be too painful since Levi would be there to hopefully ease the pain. They would just have to wait and see.

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