Chapter 8

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A/N: sorry for the day late upload I completely forgot. Thanks Leeln861 for reminding me. Anyway enjoy!

Flash back- Levi Pov


I had just left the hospital after I got the news that Eren had a miscarriage and a hysterectomy. I got in my car and slammed the door shut before hitting my fists on the steering wheel and yelling obscenities. I rarely lost my cool but I couldn't help it; Eren and I had talked for years about having children. It's all I ever wanted, a family. Not like the broken one that I had, with a mom who cared but a dad who didn't give a fuck.

I drove to our apartment and packed up anything and decided to live in one of my houses I had close to the city. I later saw on Hanji's Facebook that she had moved Eren in with her so I put the apartment up for rent and never wanted to go back to it, it held too many memories.

1 month later


The therapist I was seeing finally got the full story of how I left Eren and she told me what a dumbass I was. Not in those exact words but something similar. She was right, I blamed my mate for something he had no control over and probably ruined his life. I was an asshole to him and I didn't deserve to have his forgiveness. I have to apologize though.

2 months later


Hanji won't respond to my calls and I doubt Eren will answer for me. I would have to find a different way to contact Eren.

3 months later


I overheard Erwin in the office today telling a coworker that his son, Eren, had a job a Cafe. Erwin is also mad at me. For understandable reasons, so I had to eavesdrop. But, that's all I needed to know. I cancelled the rest of my meeting that day and drove to the Cafe. My hands were shaking and my heart was pounding so fast as I approached the door.

Before I went in I looked through the window and saw him. The chocolate brunette smiling while he worked. His eyes, the color of the ocean, shimmered in the light. He laughed at something a customer said and my stomach sank.

" I can't do this" I thought "He has his life together. He probably doesn't even think about me anymore. I know how strong he is and he probably doesn't want to be reminded of me."

I slowly turned around and walked back to my car. I sat in my car just contemplating what I should do. Unfortunately, hours later Eren walked out and got in Hanji's car. They drove off and I felt like a fool. Wasting a day sitting here worrying, when I should have talked to him. Maybe it would be best to just let him forget about me.

1 year 9 month later


I had a nightmare that Eren had died and no one had invited me to his funeral so I didn't find until years later. I woke up in a panic and just decided to stay up for the rest of the night.

All this time and I still couldn't stop thinking about Eren. I had to call him. He needs to know how sorry I am. I think about him everyday since, and It was obvious that I need to just man up and call him. I picked up my phone and waited for it to ring.




"You have reached the voice mailbox of eren.."

I hung up. Of course he wouldn't want to talk to me.

The next day Hanji called know the rest.

Present Day


"So that's why I called you so many years later. I'm sorry" Levi said

It was quiet for a moment while Eren processed what Levi had just said.







"I just need to know one thing."


"Do you still love me?"

Levi set his mug down and got up to sit next to Eren. He gently grabbed Eren's hands and looked into his eyes

"Yes Eren, I still love you. I didn't even date anyone when we were apart because my heart will always belong to you. I was an asshole to you, but I shouldn't have been. Nothing was your fault, and I only put more stress on you. I realized that I don't care if we never have children because as long as I'm with you, that's all I need. I was trying to make a better family than the one I grew up with, but I realize now that I had that. You were my perfect husband and I threw that away like an idiot. So, maybe we can start again. If you would let me, I would love to take you on a date sometime. Doesn't have to be soon, but just whenever you feel comfortable."

Eren squeezed his hands.

"Thank you Levi. I still love you as well. I'll let you know when I'm ready for that date."

They looked down at Titan and saw the kitten sound asleep together against him.

Eren giggled before Levi suggested, "How about we watch a movie you can pick, and i'll make us some tea and snacks. Eren smiled and felt genuinely happy.

"That sounds great"

A night with no worries before he talked to Matt tomorrow.

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