Chapter 7

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That night Eren was sitting at the dinner table with Hanji and Erwin. Levi had gone home to not intrude. Erwin noticed something was off with Eren as he was silently listening to Hanji ramble about some new science study.

"Eren? You okay?"

"Huh. uh yeah."

Erwin raised an eyebrow,

"That doesn't sound like you were too sure."

Eren set his fork down and sighed

"Well. I guess it would be good to talk to you guys. So ... today, Matt kissed me."

Hanji gasped as Eren continued

"I don't think i like him that way. I mean i'm still in love with Levi and I haven't stopped suppressing my hormones and had a heat yet. Also, I don't even know where or what Levi was doing these past years. I don't know anything about anyone around me and it is kind of frustrating me and confusing the hell out of me!"

"Well," Erwin said, " It is okay to just be honest with Matt and tell him you don't feel the same. I'm sure he would be perfectly fine just continuing to be friends. And as for Levi, he wants to be apart of your life again so why don't you call him or talk to him and ask him. That grump can't say no to you. I can tell that he wants to make it up to you somehow, and sharing his story could be step one."

Hanji nodded in agreement,

"Yeah, Erwin is right. One step at a time with those two. Matt can wait, but speaking with Levi could help clear up some of the confusion. We will be here to help and make sure you can handle everything."

Eren smiled,

"Hanji could you drive me to Levi's place?"

"Of course."

Before they left Eren texted Matt,

Eren: hey. I need to talk to you. U free tomorrow @ 1?

Matt: Sure, we can meet at the park, if that works

Eren: perfect. See ya then.

Matt: see ya

Time skip


They arrived at Levi's place and Eren hopped out of the car followed by Titan. He told Hanji that he would call here when he was done and headed toward Levi's door. Eren stood at the door for a few minutes nervously debating if he wanted to do this or not. But it was too late he was already here.

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

He could hear footsteps approaching the door and the lock being turned. The door opened and there stood Levi in sweatpants and a plain t-shirt.

"Oh Eren. I didn't expect to see you here so late. Come in."

He walked toward the couch in the living room and sat down with Titan laying on the ground at his feet. As soon as they sat down a little white kitten came running toward Titan who looked uninterested. The kitten confidently started climbing and trying to play with the large dog who just watched this little creature.

Eren's eyes lit up

"Awww. I didn't know you had a kitten!"

" Oh yeah. I got him a week ago. I was bored and decided to impulsively by a cat. Of course this one is a little trouble maker who isn't afraid of anything. Which definitely keeps me on my toes."

They watched them for a second before Levi inquired,

"So, what brings you here so late in the evening?"

"Oh, well, I wanted to talk to you. Or rather ask you something that's been bothering me."


"Um, I wanted to hear what happened to you when you left?"

"Well," Levi paused,

" I guess I'll start with the night at the hospital."

A/N: Sorry guys I love cliffhangers. Next Saturday will be an extra long chapter though, don't worry.

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