Chapter 6

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A/N-- I forgot to explain this but the way that soulmates find each other is that when an omega goes into heat, they release pheromones that only the soulmate can smell. And after a long period of time your soulmate can change if that person has died or moved on for whatever reason. 

   When Eren woke up he didn’t see Levi next to him and questioned if it was all a dream. He sat there staring at his hands in his lap until a voice interrupted his thoughts.

“ Good morning.”

He looked up to see Levi in a plain black t-shirt tucked into black slacks being held up by a brown belt. His outfit was tight in all the right places and Eren couldn’t help but stare at his biceps and perfectly brushed hair. Levi was sipping tea and immediately realized how Eren was looking at his lips against the cup, lost in thought.

“ See something you like Eren?”

He chuckled as Eren blushed before getting out of bed and headed to his closet. Levi gave him privacy and was about to enter the kitchen to help Hanji finish making breakfast when the front door opened and some stranger walked in.


She replied, 

“In the kitchen!”

Matt took off his shoes and looked up to see Levi standing there.

“UH, Hanji, who is this?”

“Oh, Matt this is Levi!”

Matt got a look of anger in his eyes and walked up to Levi, grabbing him by the shirt making him drop his cup of tea on the ground which shattered as he yelled,

“What the fuck are you doing here?! You hurt Eren more than you could even imagine! Just looking at you makes me want to punch the shit out of you!”

Levi just looked at him and smirked before twisting Matt’s arm and bringing him to the ground. Matt countered by quickly landing a punch on his jaw before they heard Eren yell.


They both looked over to see Eren with clenched fists with Titan snarling at them both while leaning against Eren’s legs. They stood up and dusted themselves off only to be pushed aside by Hanji.

“Alright boys, lets not upset Eren anymore. Now everyone sit down at the table while I bring the food over here. If I hear any bickering or arguing around Eren i will not hesitate to kick both of your asses out of here.”

They were all quiet, and Hanji could see them roll their eyes

“AM I UNDERSTOOD!?” she repeated

“Yes ma'am.” they both said.

The rest of the morning was peaceful as they all talked about recent events. Eren was talking about the musician that he was obsessed with, Melanie Martinez, and her new album K-12. He was talking about how she was an artist who made songs that he related to and loved. 

Hanji looked very content as she listened  to Eren talk about something that made him so happy. It had been a while since he was relaxed enough to open up about something simple like a new album. She even noticed that as he was talking, he was also eating more than he had in months. Titan was laying down and was just as content as Hanji.



Matt asked Eren if he wanted to go on a walk with him to the park nearby. This angered Levi but Hanji had to remind him that Eren didn't belong to him and was allowed to go places with friends of his. 

As they walked toward the park with Titan, Eren was looking around at all the bright colors on the leaves as fall was approaching. Matt saw the wonder in his eyes and it instantly put a smile on his face.

"Is Fall your favorite season, Eren?"

"Yeah. It's beautiful. The air is nice and cool. It always takes my mind off of life."

Matt hummed in agreement. They arrived at the park and sat on a bench just taking in the sight around them.

"Hey, Eren?"


"Listen. I can't make decisions for you, but do you think it's okay to let Levi back into your life so suddenly? I mean he marked you and then left and I just don't want to see you get hurt. He might do it again. I can't even stand looking at his face after knowing how much he hurt you. I mean, you're perfect and he was blind to that fact because of something you had no choice over."

Eren placed his hands on his stomach as he thought about what Matt was saying.

" Matt, I honestly don't know if im making the right choice or not. But, I really did miss Levi. He was and still is my first love. He helped me through a lot and I want to give him a second chance. For now we are just friends and it might stay like that for a while. I can't stand to be alone anymore. It hurts all the time to be away from your soulmate."

Matt seemed nervous as he replied. 

"okay. I respect your choice. umm. but…. Do you know that ...uhh ...soulmates can actually change after a long period of time?"

"Yeah, Hanji told me about it one time. But, since I never have heats my senses are messed up so I wouldn't be able to tell if that's true unless I stopped taking suppressants. Which I refuse to do."

"Well…. Eren. If you do decide to go into heat then i hope i am your new soulmate."

Eren looked at him surprised.

"I have loved you since the moment I saw you Eren."

Matt put a hand on Eren cheek and leaned in. All time seemed to stop as their lips touched in a soft kiss. It lasts for a moment before Matt slowly pulled away to see a blushing Eren with wide eyes. The only thing Eren could say was,


A/N. Thank you guys for all the support so far I really appreciate it! Hope you enjoy this week's chapter. See ya next week♡

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