Chapter 3

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Eren woke up the next morning still in his bed with Titan. He checked his phone and immediately felt sick when he saw that Levi had called him. He didn't even remember having him programmed in his phone still, It had been so long since he had talked to Levi. As he was mindlessly staring at his phone, Hanji walked in after a small knock. Eren looked up with misty eyes to which Hanji sat down next to him and pulled him into a hug,

"Oh, baby what's wrong?"

He just kept crying as he explained through his tears that he got a call from Levi.

"Did you answer?"

He shook his head

"Okay, don't worry sweetie, he won't bother you again I promise."


Hanji held Eren until he was asleep and let Titan into the yard. It made her so sad to see the red, puffy eyes of Eren and the tears on his pillow. She made sure he was really asleep before shutting his door and stepping out onto the back patio to dial Levi's number.

After a few rings he picked up and immediately started talking,

"Hanji before you say anything i need to see Eren. I know i hurt him but.."

She interrupted him

"Hurt him?! You destroyed him, He was already having a rough week, but seeing your call just sent him ten steps back, Levi!! You have no right to call him. If you have something to say you call me, not the boy you abandoned!! I don't know if you know this but rejection is the worst thing you can do to someone you marked and bonded with. No other alpha is gonna take him because you marked him, and he physically hurts all the time!!!! He just made a new friend after years of isolation because I forced him to!! He even has a service dog now because he's hurt himself too many times when he has a panic attack or is left alone. I've lost count of how many times he's tried to take his own life!! And when i called you when you first left him you ignored me, so you have no right to try to call him now."

There were a few moments of silence


"You know what Levi i can't listen to what you want to say right now. I'll hear you out later but not now."

She hung up on him before he could say anything else and went inside to check on Eren who was still curled up in his bed while tightly hugging the blankets on his bed. Titan had come in early and curled up by his legs to watch over him as he slept.

3 Weeks Later

Hanji was worried about Eren since he hadn't left his room in those 3 weeks after Levi called. He barely ate and wouldn't talk to Hanji anymore. She was constantly checking on him and Erwin tried talking to him as well, but he wouldn't talk to him either. Titan only left his side to get excersice and to eat for a few hours and then would return to his side.

Hanji called Matt to see if he could help and he came over as fast as he could. He was standing in their living room as Hanji explained what had happened with Levi in the past and what was happening to Eren now.

He gently knocked on the door, getting no answer. He slowly walked in and sat next to Eren on his bed.

"Hey buddy it's me Matt"

Eren sat up and looked at him before leaning into him and scooting over. Matt pulled him closer and layed down next to him.

After an hour he heard Eren say into his shirt.

"No one will love me again."

Matt looked down at him, "That's not true, Eren. I know that you had a rough past but that's in the past now. Anyone would be stupid to dwell on that when you are such an amazing person."

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