Chapter 4

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The next day Hanji and Erwin both took the day off and stayed home to watch movies and make popcorn with Eren.

It was the first time in a while that they had seen Eren smile and laugh. Hanji was so glad that Eren had asked to spend time with them instead of staying in his room any longer. They had watched comedians on netflix and all the disney movies they owned when Erwin suggested that they go get ice cream from a stand that was always in the park by their house.

They all walked to the park which was only 2 minutes away. Hanji brought a blanket for them to sit on the grass together and Erwin brought Titan’s favorite toy, frisby. Hanji laid the blanket down on the grass under a large oak tree so they could have shade to relax in. They all sat down with their ice cream cones and talked about things that had happened recently. Hanji explained how she almost set her lab on fire for the millionth time and got a lecture from her boss. 

After the ice cream was gone and they had shared all their stories, Erwin played fetch with Titan while Eren laid his head on Hanji’s lap and rested his eyes while she ran her hand through his hair. The wind rustled the leaves in the tree above them as well as the grass around them. It was not too hot outside and a cool breeze was blowing, making it the perfect weather to just relax outside and forget about the troubles that life had brought their family these past years.

By the time Eren had woken from his nap and Titan was tuckered out, the sun was setting over the park casting bright oranges and pinks onto the clouds above them. 

They packed up and headed home before it got too dark. Eren immediately fell asleep for the night after Hanji tucked him in  and he had his first good sleep in days.

The next few days were perfect as well. Eren was doing much better, and even went on walks around the neighborhood with Matt and Titan most days. They talked about the adventures Matt had at his work with some of the animals. 

One morning Eren even walked with Titan to the mall nearby and walked around for a while. When Hanji got home he was so excited to tell her how much progress he had made. He had left the house and went in public by himself without being afraid of the social interactions that could occur. The only time something happened is when he heard a couple kids arguing over something stupid. He couldn’t stand the sound of arguing. But, Titan noticed his panic and guided him to a bench away from the commotion and waited for him to calm down before he let Eren stand up and continue walking. 

One slight panic was a huge accomplishment compared to the multiple he would have before, if he left the house by himself for too long. Hanji congratulated him and Erwin was overjoyed at the progress he made. They celebrated over dinner and Eren thanked them for being such a great family to him. 

Hanji was about to say something heartfelt when Erwin spoke up, which surprised them both. 

“ I know I usually let Hanji do the speeches, but i am very proud of you Eren. no matter what you do, through progress and relapse we will be here for you. You have always been our son and we will always love you more than anything.”

Hanji was full on sobbing and pulled them both into a group hug. Eren just let himself relax in their arms and savor the moment of peace and happiness while it lasted.

Which of course would only be another week or so, but for now he was loved and forgot about his problems. 

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