Chapter 2

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It has been 2 years since I woke up in the hospital with Hanji there to explain that her husband Erwin had found and saved me after she had called him in a panic explaining that I had run away from the hospital. 

Now I was living in their guest bedroom since I couldn't take the pain of living in Levi's apartment and Hanji wanted me to move in so she could watch over me. I had gotten a job at a cafe only a few blocks away from our house. I didn't have to deal with customers though, my job was just making the pastries and stocking the shelves in the back. I had the day off and mostly worked at night or in the evening, since some guy named Connie baked in the early morning so I only had to take over for him later on in the day. He owned the cafe with Sasha who always had a snack in her hand. 

Today was my day off as well as Hanjis so she decided that she wanted to take me to the pet store. She wants me to get a dog, but I guess we'll see. It would be nice to have some company during the day. 

We walked into the store and were greeted by a tall man with hazel eyes and brown hair. 

“Hey Hanji how are you doing? Who's This with you today?”

She excitedly answered him,

“Hi Matt!! I'm doing great, this is Eren he's been living with us for a while.”

She pushed me in front of her, “Eren this is Mathew”

We shook hands, 

“please, call me Matt. It’s nice to meet you Eren.”

“Hi, nice to meet you.”

Hanji started walking towards the back as she started talking to Matt

“So, Matt you remember the service dog that you just finished training?”

I was a little surprised to hear “service dog” since i thought that we were just here for a regular puppy. 

“Yeah his name is Titan and he is a pitbull lab mix.” Matt said,

“Perfect!” Hanji yelled

Matt opened a kennel and a black and white pit lab mix came walking out. 

Matt taught us all the commands he knows and what he has been trained to do already, such as hold me down when I have a panic attack or try to self-harm and to alert someone if anything like fainting happens.


“Yeah he’s cute.”

“Then, it’s settled we’ll get him.”

Two months later


Eren pov 

I had been doing a lot better with Titan around since he helped stop me when i wanted to self-harm when I panicked. Today Hanji asked to go to the cafe and get her a coffee as if she didn’t already have enough energy. I always went to the same cafe called, “Wall Maria Cafe.”  I walked in with Titan by my side and noticed it was busier than usual today for some reason. After ordering i looked around for a place to sit and wait, when i saw Matt sitting at a table reading while sipping on a drink. He looked very invested in what he was reading so I didn't want to bother him but there was nowhere else to sit besides the table that he was sitting at. 

I quietly walked over and sat down across from him, hoping not to disturb him, but his eyes looked up from the book and lit up. It was weird to see someone excited to see me.

“OH, Hi Eren. I haven't seen you in a while. How’s titan treating you?”

“He’s great. How have you been?”

“Better than ever. I got transferred to a pet store closer to here as a manager so you might be seeing me around more often.”

“Oh, well congrats. that’s great” 

“Thanks. I told Hanji today as well and she invited me over for dinner, so I guess we’ll see each other tonight too.”

He looked down at his watch before closing his book and standing up.

“Well i gotta finish running some errands, but i’ll see you tonight Eren.”

“Yeah see you”

He walked out and all I could think about was how nice he was to me. I had forgotten what that felt like, and it felt nice.

“COFFEE FOR EREN!” the barista yelled out.

I grabbed the coffee and walked a couple minutes back to the house, but right when I walked in I could smell Hanji already preparing dinner for tonight. Surprisingly, she destroys everything she touches besides food; she is an amazing cook. I let Titan into the backyard after taking his vest off and then walked into the kitchen. 

“Hi Hanji.”

“Oh hi Eren! How was your date with Matt?”

“UH what.. Well how did you know I saw Matt? And it wasn’t a date! I just saw him there and you know.. We just chatted.”

“I have eyes everywhere Eren.” Hanji said 

“Whatever, I'll be in my room if you need me.” 

I walked upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me after Titan slipped in and layed on my bed. I layed next to him and put on a playlist I had on my phone while I stared up at the ceiling just thinking about everything. My hands placed lightly on my stomach. I felt my breath increase and started to feel anxious as Levi entered my mind. Titan sat up and moved closer to lay on my chest to help slow my breathing. I waited till my breathing went back to normal and I had calmed down and decided that a nap would best for now. As I'm falling asleep my phone rings but i just wait till it stops and cuddle closer to Titan as we both fall asleep. 

It turned out great that i didn’t see who was calling. I would have had a severe panic attack knowing this person was trying to call for some reason.


                                         Incoming Call 


A/N: Thanks everyone for reading! next update next Saturday

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