Chapter 10

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 Levi was very upset when Eren told them what happened. Levi had hurt Eren but now, his so called friend hurt him and Hanji was fuming. She walked outside and paced back and forth for a few minutes before turning to Levi who had followed her outside.

"Levi I need you to go talk to Matt for me because if I see him I might just actually kill him."

Hanji had served in the Military when she was younger so she was very skilled in martial arts, so Levi had no doubt that she could do some serious damage to Matt if she wanted to. Levi knew that she might put Matt in the hospital in just a couple seconds so He got the pet store's address and hoped that Matt would be working today.

Haji stayed with Eren while Levi headed towards the store. He pulled into the parking lot and took a deep breath to calm his rage before heading inside. The bell rang on the door as he walked in and the manager greeted him in a cheery voice.

"Hi, welcome in!"

He gave her a small polite smile before looking around for a second. Levi didn't see Matt. He didn't want to just come back everyday and check to see if that asshole was working so he headed back up to the counter to ask the manager a few questions. Unfortunately he couldn't just ask for an employees address. Luckily he was wearing his usual white button up shirt with black suit pants so he looked professional enough to pull off his plan.

"Excuse me Ma'm is Mathew here today?"

"No, he was supposed to work today and yesterday but he didn't show up."

"Hmm, that's what I thought might be the case. Well, I am detective Ackerman and I was sent to find this young man. His family has not heard from him in a while and I need to find him. Do you have his address."

She looked worried and immediately pulled out a binder from under the counter.

"Oh wow. I hope he's okay. I have him address and phone number in here with the rest of the employees. Um..... oh here it is!"

She flipped to a page with Mathew's face and information on it. Levi took a photo of it and thanked the woman before headed back to his car and mapping to Matt's house. He thanked god that the manager was too worried to ask to see his badge to confirm who he was, or else he wouldn't have known where Matt lived. He only lived a couple blocks away so it took only a few minutes to get there.

When he arrived he walked up the apartment door and loudly knocked a couple of times, but received no answer. Levi looked around to make sure no one was looking before twisted the doorknob. Luckily it was unlocked so He walked in to discover a dark and messy apartment. It disgusted him how dirty it was. There were dishes and dirty clothes everywhere. But, one thing he noticed was a pile of books spilling out of what seemed to be the bedroom.

He quietly stepped over the mess in the front room and hesitantly, walked toward the open bedroom door. The books all seemed to be about Omegas and marking. What worried him the most is what he saw when he looked up at the desk and walls to see posters and photos covering them.

"Holy Shit!"

A/N : Hi don't worry this isn't the end of this chapter. I did not' update last week so I am going to extend this chapter. Anyway enjoy!

Levi saw photo after photo of Eren. It dawned on him that Matt had been stalking Eren for over a year now, maybe longer. His stomach sank as he saw photos of Eren at the park or at stores and cafes. There were even photos taken through his bedroom window while Eren slept.

He looked down at the desk and saw a journal which he picked up and opened to the first page.

Day 1

I found this beautiful boy at the park today. He takes my breath away. I need him to be mine, but he has a mark on his neck.

Day 2

I found where he lives. He lives with a couple who seem to be a doctor and a corporate worker. I will follow them soon to find out more

Day 3

The woman is named Hanji. I followed her with the man named Erwin to a diner, they talked about Eren's past alpha. That is his name by the way, Eren. beautiful.

Day 4

I need to find a way to unmark Eren. I need him. I need him. I need him. I need him. I need him.

Every page continued like this filled to the brim with information on Eren and research he was doing. Eventually the days stopped being number and the last entry seemed to be a plan. Levi flipped to the last page and read it.


I have found out that if you burn a mark off of an omega the skin heals itself in a day and the Omega can be remarked. This will hurt the omega tremendously mentally and physically, but it is a small price to pay to make Eren mine. Levi has entered the picture so I need to dispose of him. Luckily, when I burn off the mark it hurts the other person way more. So Levi will suffer more than Eren. I will live with Eren in the warehouse I bought and he will love me and be mine.

Levi started panicking after reading this, but tried to stay calm. He took photos of the room and put grabbed the journal before running to his car and calling Hanji.

"Come on, come on. Pick up."

He sped through the streets as Hanji answered.

"Hey, how'd it go?"

He didn't answer her question but instead asked one of his own,

"Hanji, where's Eren?"

"Uh he's upstairs in his room. Why, what's wrong?"

"I can explain when I get there but i need you to take him to your lab in the basement and lock all the doors. Do not let anyone in. I have a key so I'll text you when i'm coming in."


She hung up and Levi focused on just getting there quickly. Luckily Haji didn't question him anymore and just trusted him.

He arrived to Erwin pulling into the driveway as well.

"Levi, what's going on Hanji called and told me to get here fast."

Levi looked rushed to just get inside.

"I'll explain later."

They saw that the front door was cracked open and it looked like someone had broken the lock. Erwin reached into his waistband to pull out a handgun that he thankfully always kept on him and Levi nodded to him as they walked inside slowly and quietly, expecting the worst but hoping for the best.

The door slowly swung open as they walked into the house which was a disaster. The drawers in the kitchen were all ripped open and their contents spilling out. There was broken glass from cups and picture frames all over the entryway, leading to the living room. Every step they took made a loud crunching noise in the eerily quiet house. When they didn't find anything in the main living spaces they headed for Eren's room.

As they entered, there stood in the middle of the room, the man himself. Matt. 

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