Chapter 17

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Eren pov


I woke up with the sun shining in the window and Levi running his hand through my hair as I slept on his chest. I yawned and relaxed into his touch as he kept playing with my hair and kissed my forehead when he saw that I was awake.

"Good morning Kitten. Are you ready to go shopping today? We'll get you new clothes and even get Titan some new toys."

I snuggled into his chest.

"Yes, but I wanna stay here with you for a little longer. Just five minutes."

He smirked and let out a small chuckle at how clingy I was being. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Okay five minutes. Then we'll get up and I'll make you breakfast while you shower. Any requests?"

"Mmm, pancakes?"

"Anything for you."

We finally got up for the day and took a nice long shower before dressing in a white cropped tee with black jeans and my black converse. I then put on some bracelets and tied my green flannel around my waist to complete the outfit. When I looked in the mirror I was quite happy with what I saw for once.

It took a second to remind myself that it's okay to have my arms showing even with my residual scars. My weight was getting back to normal and my body was healing thanks to Levi realizing his mistakes and wanting to be back in my life. It was a long time and a tough time getting to where we are now and sometimes didn't seem worth the pain but now I felt proud of what I overcame and proud of Levi's growth.

I walked into the kitchen to see Levi petting Titan and throwing a ball for him across the living room. Titan was chasing the ball and running back to Levi who patted his head and threw the ball again, laughing to himself. He looked happy and Titan seemed incredibly excited to have someone new to play with. Levi's kitten seemed to be just lounging in the sun coming through the window as they played.

Titan brought one of his rope toys into the kitchen and started playing tug of war with Levi who was still laughing and talking with Titan.

Neither of them had noticed me yet so I just stood there happily watching them as they bonded. Levi had once told me that he didn't like dogs, but now he seemed so fine with it.

When i laughed as Levi lost to Titan who ran around triumphantly showing off his toy, Levi looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, breakfast is ready." He stood up and grabbed my waist pulling me closer to him and kissing my face all around. I giggled.

"You're so silly Levi."

He took a look at my outfit and sighed in content.

"Wow, you look so gorgeous Eren."

"Thanks, you look very handsome as well."

He took my hand and led me to the table where we both sat down to eat breakfast and talk about where we wanted to go today.



We got in the car with Titan and drove to the mall holding hands the whole way. We arrived and went to every store just trying things on and joking around. I try on so many skirts and cute shirts as Levi just compliments me, boosting my confidence even more.

"What do you think about these jeans Levi?"

"Well, give me a spin."

I give a turn as he smiles wider.

"Looks perfect. Cups your ass beautifully."


I blush as he just laughs.

After a couple hours we leave with bags of clothes and head to the pet store.

"Hey, Levi I thought you didn't like dogs?"

"Yeah, well, before I was a very serious angry person which I didn't realize. I hated most animals and people. But, now I realize that I want to spend my life with you and experience things in the moment. So, I didn't realize before that dogs are pretty cool. Also Titan makes you happy and protects you so i really appreciate him."

"Levi, I'm so glad you changed and came back. I love you."

"I love you too Eren."

We ended up getting lots of clothes and toys for Titan. Not for us. Maybe next time. (lol)

Everything was going good. We were a couple again and had each other for support at all times. Matt still loomed in the back of our minds, but we would cross that bridge when the time came.

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