Chapter 14

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A/N- Next chapter will also be smut ;-)

The next day Levi woke up to an empty bed. He looked at the clock and saw 6am, before seeing that one of his pillows was gone. The closet in his room was opened and he could see empty hangers on the floor. He stretched for a second before getting up and going to find where Eren was. The living room was empty so he walked down the hall and stopped in front of his office door where he smelt a sweet smell coming from behind the door that was slightly cracked open. Before he could enter the door opened and Eren came stumbling out with two hoodies and a blanket of Levi's that he had left in there.

"What the.."

Eren didn't even acknowledge him as he kept walking back to their room with Levi following closely behind. When they entered, Eren went to a pile of blankets and the alpha's clothes. Levi hadn't even noticed this little nest of his since he had been focused on just finding Eren. It made sense that his pillow was missing now since it was put into the nest along with most of his clothes.

The omega sat in the middle of his pile and mumbled to himself as he rearranged the hoodies and pulled at the blankets until he was satisfied and layed down only to immediately fall back asleep.

Levi wanted to enter the nest and cuddle his omega, but it was considered a major violation of privacy for an alpha to enter the nest without being invited in, even if they are mated. Instead, he decided to get completely ready to help Eren. While he slept, Levi brought a case of water from the kitchen into the room along with medicine like motrin and heating pads. He made sure he had the omega's favorite bubble bath in the bathroom for aftercare and a couple changes of sheets for the bed, just in case.

A couple hours later Eren had woken up and felt excruciating pain in his body. He couldn't pinpoint an exact area but his omega was screaming at him in his head, "MATE! MATE! MATE!"

It had been so long since he mated that his body and inner omega were not taking it well. It's as if they were rebelling or punishing him. It hurt so bad that he started screaming in pain and tried to curl up deeper into the nest that smelt of his alpha. The scent was getting stronger as his alpha entered the room and he immediately sat up and looked for him with blurry eyes from the tears that he couldn't hold back. Levi was now in front of him, but not in his nest.

"Please Alpha."

Levi hesitated,

"Do I have permission to enter your nest Omega?"

"Yes, Alpha please it hurts so bad!"

He screamed in pain again as he bared his neck for Levi who quickly took the opportunity and scent marked the smaller boy who instantly felt less pained and relieved. Levi smelt different, like mint and lilac while Eren smelt of cinnamon and strawberries. It was a weird combination but it smelt heavenly and sweet to Levi.

They held eachother in their arms rejoicing in the feeling until Eren started rubbing against Levi and started kissing his ear and neck as he spoke in a raspy almost tired voice, "Fuck me Alpha. I need you in me please. I feel so empty without you in me."

Levi's eyes widened and his inner alpha growled loudly.

Before he knew it Eren was picked up and thrown onto the bed. He was breathing heavy as he watched Levi rip off his own clothes before crawling onto the bed still growling. Eren was wearing only a large shirt of Levi's which gave the alpha perfect access. He grabbed Eren's leg and started leaving little bite marks and kisses from his calf to his inner thigh making the boy beneath him moan and squirm in need. Levi grabbed his hips and ran his hands up his chest under the shirt he was wearing, lightly playing with Eren's now, hard nipples. He pulled the shirt off him and whispered to him,

"You know better than to tease me, little one, talking like such a horny slut."

Eren felt more slick run down his thigh as Levi made his dick twitch with his words and touches. He couldn't take it anymore. He rolled onto his stomach When Levi sat back and presented his ass to him.

"Mmm, please fuck me, please daddy it hurts."

Eren felt more and more pain return as Levi made him hornier and hornier.

Levi smacked his ass earning a small yelp. "You're lucky it's your heat or I would make you beg for this dick. For now your wish is my command, Princess."

Eren wiggled his ass in the air before Levi slowly stuck two fingers in. His hole was soaking wet from slick and stretched quickly as the two fingers scissored him. Eren moaned into Levi's pillow that he had pulled into his arms.

"Please I need more. I need your cock Alpha"

This sent Levi over the edge. He lined his stiff cock up to Eren's wormhole and pushed his head in.

"Ahh" Eren clenched around that thick inch that entered but gasped in shock as he felt Levi's full 9 inch shaft slam into him. All his pain went away as he only felt overwhelming pleasure and he immediately came onto the bed.

"Oh fuck, so sexy Eren coming from my dick alone. And you're already hard again."

Levi pulled out and slammed his full length back in as Eren's eyes rolled back into his head and he drooled onto the pillow.

"Fuck, you're fucking tight hole sucking me in."


Levi kept thrusting in and out faster and faster. He pulled Eren onto his knees as his head fell back on Levi's shoulder.

"Alpha mark me!"

Eren had given him permission before his heat to mark him again so Levi did as he was told.

The Alpha first wrapped his hand around Eren's small twitching cock and started pumping along with his thrusts. They were both breathing heavily as Levi bared his fangs and sunk them into Eren's exposed shoulder.

"Oh fuck, Alpha!"

Levi gave no warning as he came into Eren. Feeling this warm liquid fill his insides, Eren came hard onto his own stomach for the second time that morning. He felt Levi's knot start to stretch him open even more. He smiled and passed out from exhaustion.

Levi laid him down carefully on the bed and reached to grab a washcloth on the nightstand to clean them off. When finished he covered them with a blanket, his knot still connecting them and cuddled Eren from behind. Before he let sleep overtake him as well he kissed Eren's forehead.

"Sleep well baby, I love you, and i'll never leave you ever again."

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