Chapter 18

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Eren pov

I woke up around 6am and felt the bed next to me empty, but I could hear the shower on meaning Levi was getting ready to go to work. He always gets up around 6 to shower and get dressed, then makes breakfast and always leaves a plate for me on the table for when I wake up. Since I felt pretty awake I decided to get up and get dressed for the day. I put on a pair of shorts and a plain shirt. When Levi got out of the shower he was wearing a towel around his waist and was rubbing a smaller hand towel through his hair to dry it. He was distracted by drying off and didn't notice me at first. He was softly singing some type of french song. It sounded so gorgeous and soothing. I was a little disappointed when he stopped singing as he looked up at me and gave me one of the sweetest smiles.

"Good Morning love. You're up early today." he said.

"Yeah well. It's nice to see you before you go to work."

He lifted my chin slightly upward and pressed his lips to mine for a kiss. Levi pulled away leaving my lips feeling empty. I whined in slight protest and he chuckled under his breath at my pouting.

"Mmm. I hate when you go to work." I replied

"I know, baby. But i'll be back early today."


Third person pov

After Levi had made them breakfast and left, Eren decided to spend the day cleaning the house and just watching movies, but quickly got bored. Luckily Hanji had decided to visit, which at first scared him since she harshly banged on the door scaring him and making Titan growl at the door. At first he pulled his phone out in case he needed to call Levi or even 911. Until he heard who was on the other side of the door.

"Eren, honey!!"

He took a sigh of relief and Titan visibly put his guard slightly down at hearing her voice. He walked to the door with his phone still pulled up with a speed dial to call Levi in case Hanji was being threatened to knock on the door or if someone had a recording of her voice. The camera that showed the front door though, implied that she was by herself.

He let her in and she ended up spending a couple hours just hanging out and talking with him. They talked about how Eren was feeling much better about his relationship with Levi and how Eren was more comfortable with his body, even though he couldn't have kids now. Hanji told him how proud she was of him. Unfortunately she had other errands to run so she left an hour later.

Eren had just sat down on the couch when he noticed Hanji's phone on the coffee table. Of course she would forget something so important. The door opened and he sighed while grabbing the phone and walking over. He hadn't locked the door since he forgot so it made sense that hanji would walk back in

"Hanji, you left your phone you clutz!!" he laughed, but didn't hear her reply at all. Titan had rounded the corner to the doorway before him and was growling and barking. Eren stopped in his tracks as he heard who started talking.

"I think i actually something else here"

It was Matt.

Eren tried to slowly and quietly step backwards toward the patio door. He also pulled out his phone and speed dialed Levi. That's when Eren heard a gunshot that echoed through the house and Titan yelping in pain. He heard Titan's body drop to the floor as he clasped his hands over his mouth to quiet his gasp. His eyes were immediately clouded with tears. Through the phone in his hand he would hear Levi yelling and asking what was going on and telling someone on his end to call 911.

Matt rounded the corner as Eren reached the patio and was panicky unlocking that door. Just as the door slid open Matt grabbed Eren by the hair and threw him to the ground. Matt grabbed his ankle and started dragging him toward the front door as Eren screamed and kicked, trying to get Matt to let him go. Matt let go of him only to get on top of him and pin Eren's arms down.

He then grabbed handcuffs from his pocket and cuffed Eren's hands together to be able to hold them down with one hand. The whole time Eren was kicking and screaming until Matt grabbed his chin and forced their lips together and in a matter of seconds Eren felt Matt force some pill down his throat. Then Matt put the gun to his head,

"Swallow it!! Or Levi loses his precious boy toy!!"

Eren sniffles as tears continue to run down his face and he swallows, making Matt smile.

"Good boy Eren."

Eren almost immediately felt weak and his limbs felt paralyzed as Matt picked him up and through him over his shoulder. As he tried to keep his eyes open he saw Titan on the ground whining with his back leg bleeding. Eren tried to keep his eyes open but felt his conscious fading. He saw Matt open his trunk and place him inside before closing it, encasing him in darkness. If only he was stronger to hold off Matt for longer and not give in. He heard sirens in the distance as he completely passed out. He knew those sirens were for him but he also knew Matt would be gone by then and he was too weak to do anything.

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