Chapter 1

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The golden sunlight, falling from the window on the pink cheeks, adding to the beauty of that face, however it was not that of the princess; instead it was her maiden lying in her bed. The light illuminated the whole room.

"My Princess wake up"

The voice woke up the maiden of princess, who was resting in the bed upon the command of princess. She was scared to move.

It was very common of Alexandra to ask her maiden to lay instead of her, so that she can enjoy the morning breaze alone, while riding her favorite horse. But lately due to the threat of King Lucifer of a nearby state the Queen worried more and more of Alexandra and didn't want her to leave alone. She was scared that the princess could get in harm's way; but the princess was not as worrisome as her mother. She was brave and was always ready for expeditions. Inorder to escape her mother's eye, she slipped the palace without letting anyone knew.

Christine realized that it wasn't her princess in bed. She took a round and went to the other side of bed, getting on the face of the maiden, being furious.

Before she could say a word, the Queen entered the room.

"Alexandra! Is she not awake, yet"? Inquired the queen upon noticing someone in bed

The maiden intensely scared of the wrath of the Queen, immediately got up and bowed before the Queen. Looking at them the Queen asked

"Christine, has she again went for horse riding?"

The other maiden replied

"yes my Queen, I was lying here upon her orders".

The Queen got furious and left the room. She ordered the soldiers and the maidens to look out for the princess. The guards on the command of their Queen went on searching, whereas the Princess unaware of all these activities was enjoying horse riding to the fullest.

The morning breaze, the rising Sun, birds chirping and fresh green trees always seemed to welcome Alexandra and wish her good luck. That is why she always sneaked out to find peace and have a fresh start in the morning. She stopped her horse and sinked in the scenery; taking a long breath to feel the freshness. Two squirrels climbing the tree made her smile. She was lost in the moment and the scenery, when she suddenly realized the time and thought of turning back. She at once started to ride, towards the palace.

Upon her arrival at the palace, she looked up towards the balcony; that covered the front side of the palace. All the kingdom was visible from there, one could also see every single person coming in and going out through the main gates. Alexandra found her mother standing there, looking down. She seemed to be waiting for a long time. Even from a distance Alexandra could sense her mother's anger.

"Mother, I hope you're having a fine morning" said Alexandra in a cheerful and lively voice, upon reaching next to her.

"Alexandra, exactly for how long will I have to remind you; not to leave the palace without guards" inquired Queen in a worried tone

"Mother, and when will you be satisfied that I could protect myself. Perhaps you should accompany me today for training, only then you will realize that I am a warrior". Replied Alexandra in an offended tone

"You are a princess, Alexandra, and you should remember that, along my worries; while leaving. However, you should better get dressed, your father will shortly arrive for breakfast".

"I will be ready mother" Alexandra replied humbly.

Alexandra was happy that she didn't have to listen a long list of advices which she usually had to. She went in her room, Christine was pacing wildly.

"Who are you pacing for?" Alexandra said in a teasing manner

"Princess, you will certainly get me killed at the hands of queen, she trusts you with me; yet you continue to get me in trouble"

Alexandra laughed, even though she was the Princess, Christine the hand maiden was her best friend. Alexandra told her everything that crossed her mind and often on purpose teased her.

"is my dress ready"? She asked


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