Chapter 9

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Prince James was very excited behen he woke up, he was already happy about spending the day with the most fierce woman he's ever seen also being the one he's ever felt love for.

"Prince James, Shall we leave?" Alexandra asked appearing from the hallway

"After you" replied James with a smile. Arthur also came along, he didn't want to but James forced him. He was dragging himself; Alexandra herself was not okay however, she was trying to present the best version of herself. The whole day Alexandra, James and Arthur went to various charity houses. They also went to the Tax registrar offices and Alexandra briefed the system to James. James was now under Alexandra's spell; her beauty and genius had won his heart. He had always wished for an intelligent and wise woman as his wife and now it seemed real; until now he was told that it is quite difficult to find someone that exhibits the characteristics, that he wants and now he had in front of her the most  genius woman he's seen in his life. Whereas Arthur and Alexandra continued seeing each other when either one of them was looking the other side. Their hide and seek continued as both hearts ached for each other. After years of prayers they were together yet distant. They were unable to communicate and that fact was tearing them down.

In the noon they were passing through the streets when some kids run by. One of the kid stopped after noticing Alexandra's presence

"My princess" he said in a lively voice

"Flint, how are you and how is your mother?" Alexandra inquired in a loving manner

James and Arthur both were surprised upon Alexandra's familiarity with the kid

"She is well now. Princess you are coming tonight for the festival, yeah?" asked Flint

"I assure you of my presence" responded Alexandra with a smile

The kid walked away and James asked

"You are familiar with the kids?"

"His father served in our military, he lost his life in the last war; since then I've been taking care of Flint and his mother" replied Alexandra

"That's very noble of yours" admired James

"It is our duty, to serve our people Prince and I stand by this ideal" replied Alexandra, she continued saying

"It is getting late we should head back"

"As you say" said James

On their way back James asked

"What is this festival, Flint spoke of?"

"Today marks the memory of our state's freedom from the rule of King Leonard; the people celebrate it every year. You should come with us" said Alexandra

"It'll be an honor, princess" replied James

He wanted to spend as much time as possible with her, however she didn't want that and that's why she ended the tour. Arthur sensed her emotions but James was under her spell. He couldn't see anything or anyone past her.

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