Chapter 7

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Alexandra entered her room, lost in her own thoughts, she started pacing.

"My princess is there something worrisome?" Christine asked in a polite manner noticing that Alexandra was panicking.

"I have just met him Christine, the one I had been seeing..."

Alexandra said with pain in her eyes, her lips smiling but her face seemed scared. However a feeling of happiness was hidden underneath ball these emotions.

"The one I've been seeing in my dreams for past four years; I have just seen that man"

"Is that prince James" asked Christine happily

"No..., it is Mr. Arthur" replied Alexandra with a heavy heart, her face turned blank as she said it.

The room went silent on Alexandra's words and then Christine broke the silence saying,

"My princess you can't marry a common man"

This truth that Christine spoke off was scaring Alexandra, upon having a glance of Arthur, she realized that he is the one that she's been seeing in her dreams. His face was blur in every dream she had; but she was able to sense his presence. Though she had never met him before but she was certain that her heart will let her know when she will meet her dream man. And now upon seeing him for the first time in her life, she was thinking only one thing, will her family accept him as their son in law. Without even knowing him or having a chance to converse, she seemed to have a connection with him in a bond so strong that she was able to know, when he was in pain or felt lost. She was secretly wishing for him to come and when he's arrived, her heart doesn't know what to do?

"After four years of longing I have finally met the man that I love so much and you are telling me I can't marry him. Christine you are not aware of the feelings that are embedded in my heart, let me rejoice in this moment that I had been waiting for long" Alexandra said in a loving and stern manner.

Christine went silent, but Alexandra knew in her head that this was not the easy path. It was the path filled with thorns and bushes and she had to clear it for them. This thought was terrifying been for the courageous princess.


Arthur was sitting in James room lost in his thoughts when James said,

"I have fallen for her"

"Who" Arthur asked impulsively

"It is very obvious Arthur, for Princess Alexandra" replied James with light in his eyes

Those words took the life out of Arthur he stood still, not being able to breathe, whereas James continued saying

"Her beauty is captivating and she is a fierce young woman, the one I've always wanted, beauty and brains combined Arthur"

"I am very happy that my prayers for you have been answered" said Arthur. His voice sank, he started feeling dizzy but he got hold of his emotions.

"Thank you" replied James

"My prince, I am very tired of this long journey, if you will excuse me, I want to rest" Arthur asked

"Yes you may, good night" answered James
James was surprised at Arthur's behavior but he thought of him being tired die to the tiring journey they just had.

Arthur left the room wishing James good night. He was walking with a heavy heart. His heart had the same feelings as her. They had never met, never spoken yet they knew each other. More than that, they understood each other. Words weren't needed for them to converse, they could do it by just thinking of the other. It was a love that hadn't been witnessed before. A love that initiated in dreams of two people and now it had grown so strong, that they couldn't think of anything but each other.

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