Chapter 3

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Alexandra arrived at the practice area. There were hundreds of soldiers, some learning with swords and some learning archery. Some of them were excelled at the skills and some were beginners. There was an energy in the air which gave Alexandra the utmost happiness. Her eyes searched for Commander Orland, upon noticing his absence she inquired

"Has commander not arrived yet?"

I am here my princess, replied the commander.

You are late commander, said Alexandra

"I was in the company of the King." Replied the commander

"Is Prince James arriving?" inquired Alexandra

"Yes your highness, according to our calculation he will arrive tomorrow, perhaps in the evening". Said the commander after taking a pause he said,

"I heard you had been practicing archery other than this training time".

"I had been practicing, anyhow if I had not practiced it, would I be able to do this"

saying this in an instant she aimed for the board and the arrow left the bow. Her aim was perfect, the arrow touched the center of the board it all happened in less than 30 seconds. She looked back at the commander with a taunt in her eyes.

"Perfect, my princess, well now we should start rehearsing with swords and shields" said the commander

"Finally" said Alexandra in a satisfactory manner.

And they rehearsed for about two hours. Alexandra put all her effort and strength in the practice.

Alexandra was practicing with all her will, when Brigadier Leon approached her. He was also the son of commander.

"My princess, give me a chance to practice with you".

"You want to loose?" Asked Alexandra stubbornly

"We'll see about that" said Leon
And they started practicing with swords. Alexandra was not as skilled at swords as Leon was and she soon lost it. Leon looked at her with taunt.

That moment only triggered the fire in Alexandra, as she didn't stop afterwards. She kept on rehearsing with swords, and after some time, when she was sweating head to toe, the commander asked her to stop and take some rest. It was way more than her usual practice time.

She looked at him and then left the area, however she didn't leave the sword and carried it along.

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