Chapter 6

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The dining table was filled with foods of sorts. Salads, fruits, barbecue, roasts and various other dishes were set. The royal family was seated along Prince James and Mr. Arthur. Alexandra and Arthur still having the same emotions and expressions

"The table looks very well".. "And your hospitality is appreciable" said James in a kind manner.

"We wanted to present you with the finest of our cuisine" replied the Queen

James sensed Alexandra's uneasiness. He thought it was probably due to dining with two unknown men, which he had sometimes witnessed in some princesses he'd met before. But he was unaware that it wasn't due to him, it was something else.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable, perhaps by our presence?" James asked Alexandra "Because if you are..."

Alexandra interrupted him saying "Not at all" she tried to hide her emotions "How was your journey" she inquired

"It was tiring, if you had ridden a horse you must've known it is very tiring". Replied James

Prince James was sure that this princess was same as all the others that he had met before, but he was wrong. This princess was way different than any one of her age, she was fierce and strong, she also exhibited the character of being a sassy woman.

"Why would you opt for a horse ride when you can come on a carriage?" asked Alexandra

"to sink in the scenery of your state, It is very beautiful and sorry to say but if you had ridden a horse you would have known, the scenery is always more pleasant while riding, it is not the same from the windows of a carriage" replied James

His reply turned Alexandra red, she never liked her, being thought of as a weak fragile woman who was incapable of doing something.

"Perhaps, you are very judgmental Prince, I am a very skilled horse rider" replied Alexandra in an offended manner

Her father thought that this might disrupt the chances of their sharing a bondz so he stepped in,

"Alexandra is fond of horse riding, she finds it very amusing" said the king

"My apologies, I did not mean to offend" said Prince James

"None taken" replied Alexandra

James thought of clearing the air, so he said,

"My king I have heard about the charity and tax system of yours, it is widely spoken of; if you won't mind I would like to pay a closer attention towards that system"

"For that, you have to ask Alexandra, as the system is designed by her" the king said proudly

James turned in astonishment towards Alexandra,

"I had no idea that you would have designed, such a successful program, are you dealing with the economy of it?" inquired James

"You continue to offend me Prince, have you firstly come across a princess who is capable to do more than just batting her eye lashes on princes" Alexandra remarked rudely

"My apologies for hurting your sentiments, perhaps we had a rough start;... Princess I honor the women who are wise and I am very much compelled of your genius. If you would allow I would like to observe that system of yours" said Prince James in a guilty manner

"Apology accepted, you can accompany me tomorrow" replied Alexandra

The king and queen were worriedly listening to the conversation that had just caught fuel, however the rest of it was pleasant and James was compelled of her being the woman that he has always pictured.

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