Chapter 15

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Arthur was pacing in the balcony impatiently as he had some hope of Alexandra's arrival. And he was right, he saw her coming.
She came there, sh stood next to him and after looking in his eyes she embraced him, and started crying.

"Alex", Arthur said in the most loving manner

She looked up to him

"Don't waste your tears on someone who you will never get" said Arthur

" Arthur I cant.. I can't breathe. I'm so disappointed in my father as all my believes have just turned to ashes. Arthur he wants me to marry against my will. I can't do that. I can't do that Arthur " said Alexandra crying

Arthur in that instant became the most humble listener and the best consoler.

"Wipe your tears, my beautiful princess. You and I we both were aware of  happening of this cruelty however it's still painful whilst experiencing" said Arthur, smiling

"Why are you being calm I know of the storm in your heart" said Alexandra gazing at him.

" What good will my mourning bring other than inflicting more pain upon you". Said Arthur in a sad voice

"I'm making it clear that I won't marry anyone other than my will. My heart beats only for you and nothing or no one can make us apart" said Alexandra

" I would advise you not to do it. You will only suffer" replied Arthur

"Are you saying that being with you will cause me pain?" Said Alexandra angrily

"Definitely not! Alexandra, words are not suffice to describe what I feel for you, the love the emotions all of it. But the truth is that you and I are meant to stay apart. Our status do not match and...

Alexandra interrupted Arthur saying

" What are you trying to say?"

"You should marry James. Not for the pleasing of your father but for the betterment of your people. Alex all your childhood and your youth you've tried to do everything for the good of your people and that motive of yours compelled you to devise such an extraordinary charity system and the job structure. Alll the best capabilities of you have always worked in the best interest of your people and that... That gives you immense pleasure and satisfaction. If you...

He was now crying, he pulled himself and continued saying

"If you marry James, you would be to continue doing all those wonderful things that you are doing and have planned for the future. As you will have your powerful status of a Queen and the better part is that it will be for the people of both states".

Alexandra was now quiet. Her expressions were lost and her face was still. She looked at Arthur with astonishment and said

"You are convincing me to marry him?
And then she said again in a very painful voice

"You are very much aware that I can't live a life without you while being someone else's "

"Neither can I live a life without you my darling" said Arthur

"But it is the right thing to do, Alexandra when we have the royal status we are responsible for our people and my dear, you stand by that ideal. You have to sacrifice your love for your other love. Said Arthur in a convincing manner".

"I can't live Arthur with James as his Queen in his palace and see you everyday as a constant reminder of what I have lost ". Replied Alexandra

"You won't have to see me, I'll leave. I won't stay"

His words hurt her even more

"I can't do this", you're saying that if you will leave it will be easier bfor me to stay, Arthur I'm telling you that I can't live, more than that I can't breathe without you and are trying byour best to convince me. What was I thinking when I came here, she turned around and started walking, Arthur called her name but she didn't listen, she was really sad and didn't know what to do. She was about to leave when Arthur grabbed her hand from behind and held her closer. She cried heavily and rested her head on Arthur's chest. Arthur held her in his arms and cried along. Only the stars witnessed the two souls begging in their hearts for each other. The love that initiated with a dream and was now inches away yet it seemed so distant.

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