Chapter 14

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The door opened and entered King Anderson in Alexandra's room.

"Alexandra" King said in a fatherly manner. He had came here to console her and as promised to James, he wanted to gain Alexandra's agreement in marriage. What ever the stakes were, he didn't want to fix the marriage on his own, without her approval.

"Father" replied Alexandra in a complaining tune.

"I am aware of you being furious at me, as I was strict some moments ago, however my child it was for the sake of your own good". said the king

" You humiliated me in front of a prince whom you had considered best as my  match... For the sake of my good" replied Alexandra in a taunt

"You have every right to be angry but my princess I have taken this decision keeping in mind the best interest of our people and you". Said the king

"Unbelievable" whispered Alexandra, she was very angry upon the events that had happened earlier. It was not her will to disrespect her father but, at this moment her rage was about to get the best of her.

"You are aware of our tensions with King Lucifer, and all we need is the backing of a strong state which Queensland will provide..

Alexandra interepted the king saying

"In exchange of me" her expressions were stern.

"You should not think like that, as you know what my values are" the king said calmly

"I have just woken up from a dream where you were a motivator  of women's rights, but it was a dream and the reality is painful. 

She took a pause and said

"All my life I believed that my father, The King holds my opinion dear and he had gone against every cleric, every officer,  even every person in Gardenia, to raise me as a prince. Extended my rights and powers up to my will; trained me like a warrior because he believes in equality but now I realize I was severely mistaken... The king had raised the princess as a bargaining chip, of more value to earn more credits". She stopped after saying that breathing heavily. She had tears in her eyes, her trust was broken, she seemed fragile.

On the other hand king's heart had been shattered. He said

"Alexandra I have never gotten this much wounds from swords in battlefield as your words have given me" he wanted to say more but she interrupted him

"Not as much as your have given me, my king" replied Alexandra

The king got up and left the room being utterly disappointed, upon her calling him my king. She had never in eighteen years called him my king. It was customary of her being angry at certain things but this time it was different. She was no more King's little princess, it was someone else, with a broken heart upon the mighty manner of her father.

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