Chapter 8

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A long window, the size of the wall opened in the balcony. Arthur was sitting on the floor not certain of what to do, he seemed completely absent minded; when there was a knock at the window. He got up and opened the window. There was someone in a black cloak. It was Alexandra.

She lifted her hood and looked in his eyes.

"Arthur" she said softly

Arthur was amazed and happy at the same time to see her, but that feeling was taken away in an instant, when he remembered Jame's telling him that he had fallen for Alexandra.

"Your highness, do you require something of me?" Arthur tried his best to hide his emotions.

"As if you are unaware" exclaimed Alexandra

"I am sorry my princess, but I do not understand" Arthur said

Alexandra looked at his blank face and said

"You are trying to hide your emotions but you are miserably failing; for what so ever reason it might be"

Arthur was standing still and upon seeing his red eyes Alexandra turned and walked back towards her room.


Arthur closed the window, he got in the room and again sat on the floor; suddenly something occurred to him he got up and opened his trunk. He took out a diary.


Alexandra reached her room. She was breathing heavily; she sat on the bed and was trying to put the pieces back. She was unable to understand what had happened to Arthur. She knew that Arthur loved her, and she was also certain that he had recognized her but why was he acting like that. That question, she wasn't able to answer.


Arthur turned the pages and when the blank page was appeared, he started writing

"Dear Alexandra, only my God is aware of my love for you; it is pure and deep. My dear, till today I had gone on many expeditions alone; trying to find the woman I had been seeing in my dreams. I was certain of finding you. My heart would tell me directions and I would blindly follow them. Alexandra I had always pictured my first reaction when we would interact and today when I saw you; I did not know how to react. You are a princess and I am a common man, the cruel world would not let us unite; even if there was any hope it had just been taken away from me. The prince to whom I've sworn my allegiance has just confirmed that he has developed a liking for you and now if I will pursue you it would be committing treason. Oh my beautiful princess, you were mine long, before James had known of your existence, you were mine but today in a blink he has taken you away from me".

"You were mine" he uttered those words, tears rolling down his cheeks. He was most loyal to James and he never thought about breaking his trust, but this love of his, if it surfaced, and people got to knew about it, it was being disloyal according to him. If only he had a chance to tell James before he shared his thoughts.

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