Chapter 11

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There was a knock at the window, Arthur opened it and saw Alexandra standing.

"What are you doing here?" he asked

"The night's not over; besides I want to recall all of our memories sitting by your side in this balcony" replied Alexandra

They both sat on the floor by the window, Arthur was scared that someone could come in but he couldn't resist her being with him. After all it was what he had always wished.

"I had always wondered what it would be like to finally meet you and here you are" Alexandra said, she continued

"You are exactly how I imagined you would look like"

"I am glad; that my looks are suffice for you" Arthur said smiling

Alexandra smiled and said

"You should start, with your accounts"

"Very well then... started Arthur

"The first time I saw you, was in the dream we recalled earlier; I woke up happy and fresh and then I saw you again in two more dreams, their context was different. I went to a priest to find out the meaning of these. He said the girl I had been seeing will come in my life. She would love me insanely and I would love her back.... And I fell in love with the idea of you; someone being out there who I was dreaming about; without even knowing who she is"

"My account is very similar. The priest said the same thing, however he also mentioned that love of this sort that is in your heart; without even seeing the face of your beloved is very hard. There are obstacles and challenges that you will have to face."... she paused and then continued

"I guess he was right. We are caught in these chains" said Alexandra

"And I don't think we can take these chains off Alex". Arthur said

"Don't be disappointed there might be a way. We have to remain affirmative" consoled Alexandra

"I'm afraid there isn't any. However it is getting late, before someone sees us; you must go back" said Arthur

"Already; I have to ask something" said Alexandra

"What is so disturbing" said Arthur

"In the beginning I thought that the love I'm feeling and the dreams I'm dreaming are merely my own thoughts. Neglecting the words of the priest I refrained from your thoughts and suddenly the feeling that I felt; that you were either calling my name or thinking about me, vanished. I was depressed and one day I choked. Arthur, I was out of breath and I coughed insanely. Amidst all my pain I saw your face in my head and my pain went away. I felt like my pain was a way of letting my heart knew that you were in pain. I prayed and prayed for you and the next day I started having the same feelings. Afterwards I never questioned your existence. Arthur what happened at that moment?" said Alexandra all at once

Arthur was listening to her with love and attention and then replied calmly,

"I was travelling in your quest, alone. When some robbers attacked me. I had number of bruises but I continued riding my horse. I fell from the horse near the forest. A villager lived near by and he took me home. He looked after me and cared for me. I was unconscious for some days; but I remember that during my unconsciousness I saw you in my dream. Your eyes were red with tears and I said don't cry I am alright. I woke up afterwards. The villager told me I had been calling a name during sleep. This incident left a deep impact on me. I fell even more in love than before.... And now here we stand. We were so distant yet so close but today we are close yet so distant".

"I must leave" said Alexandra 

She realized that what they've stepped into  something very intense and difficult to pursue. They must be very careful and should devise a strategy according to which they can have each other by their side. Besides is she sat there longer, she wouldn't want to leave his side. Her sudden change of expressions and leaving, let Arthur sir there in silence, with the same thoughts in mind as her. He was more scared than her, because after all she was a princess and the threat was more for Arthur as he was the one whose life was in danger if someone found out about their love.

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