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James read the diary with his eyes wide opened, tears falling down his cheeks. After reading the last page, he sat there for some time. He mustered some courage and then went in the garden. He knew it was time when Alexandra used to sit there. And he was right.

Alexandra was sitting there looking blankly in the air. Upon hearing footsteps she looked up.

He was standing there in utter shock and then Alexandra smiled,

"Have a seat dear fiance" she said

"I take it, that you've read the diary..., well! I couldn't read it. Just read the last page; he left it in my possession" she took a pause and then said,

" I was never in love with you James, I was in love with him and he was the one I was fighting for; but the destiny had something else planned... However, after you suggested; that I am not worthy to be a Queen.. I realized that,... there are decisions that are not taken for oneself but for the sake of others, so I took one, of marrying you and do what I've always wanted to. " she stopped there.

"I think we should call off the wedding" said Prince James pretending not to have listened to her.

" I told your father when he promised me of your approval; that I want you to agree on your own terms and not under force, and if your heart lies with someone else in a bond so strong..... It would be wrong to.. 

With those words, he was about to walk away when he heard her voice,

"My prince we are not calling off the wedding as it is for the betterment of our people, we are responsible towards them and it is time to take the responsibility that awaits us" said Alexandra in a humble tone.

"Will you be happy with me? You have never loved me or even wished for me?" I'm a prince Alexandra, I'm supposed to be this ruthless, courageous man, yet here I am... lost like a child in your love and just now I've came to know that you've agreed on this matrimony, merely for proving a point"

" You are hurt badly, and I'm to be held accountable" she said with a smile.

"I'm not holding you accountable, to love someone is not wrong, it's unintentional... And it hurts... Alexandra.. I just had one thought in my mind all my life; that I will marry someone who loves me... call me whatever but I can't... I can't marry you"

With those words he went away
Alexandra sat there quiet, looking blankly in the air again.


James went to his parents, his heart struggling with the words he had just read and the words he had said. 
"I think we should leave tomorrow" he said

"We know you are mourning over the death of your beloved friend, however your marriage awaits you; and so does the kingdom awaits it's Queen" said his mother in a very polite and counseling nature.

"I hardly consider  tying a knot right now, it doesn't seem right"

"What is it that you are hiding, my dear" asked his father

"Nothing, that should worry you. I will ask for the preparations to be made, I wish to leave early morning". With that said he went to his room. His eyes red with the the loss that he had faced.


The whole palace seemed to be quiet, the laughter that illuminated the day was no more there. The maidens and gaurds were all surprised to see their princess in such a devastated state. They all thought the reason to be Prince Jame's leaving but the reason was unknown to them.

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