Chapter 2

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It was a beautiful room, decorated with expensive artifacts, glorious pictures on the walls, fresh flowers in the vases. The dining table was being prepared by the maidens, while the King and Queen were sitting.

"Alexandra, left again for horse riding, all alone" complained Queen, she was about to say more when the King interrupted saying

"She finds the morning breeze fresh and amusing, it indeed is. Then why stopping her"

"I want nothing more, than her leaving with guards and in my notice" replied the queen

"My queen you worry of our daughter, because of King Lucifer; however you neglect that she trains daily with my soldiers, she is as much of a warrior as Commander Orland".

"My king, would it do her harm to bring me in notice with her expeditions" inquired Queen

"Certainly not, I will address this matter on your request" said the King

The queen smiled

They heard footsteps approaching and soon the beautiful and lively face of Princess Alexandra was in front of the King. The king was not like other Kings. He loved his daughter like a common man would, he even trained her on combat. He witnessed the opposition of several royal members while letting Alexandra do her will. Most of all he was very proud of her accomplishments.

"Father, a very good morning to you, may this day brings peace and prosperity for our region" Alexandra said in a caring voice

"My beautiful daughter my wish for you would exactly be same" said King Anderson in a lovely manner

"Mother" said Alexandra

"You look gorgeous today" queen appreciated the beauty of her daughter.

The king looked towards Alexandra and said

"Alexandra, I had just been informed, that you left the palace without informing your mother"

 Alexandra was making face when the king continued 

"You know she worries a lot, it's her habit, next time when you leave, let her know" the king advised in a humorous way

"Certainly father, I will let mother know" replied Alexandra with a smile in her eyes

"So this is you attending the matter of grave importance" queen looked at king and they all laughed

They were all having breakfast when, Sergeant Bruce entered the dining hall. King Anderson never liked him being disturbed while he was with his daughter and wife. The time he spent with them was precious to him and he didn't want it being interrupted with any political matter.

"My king, we have just received the letter from Prince James of Queensland"

Said Bruce, instantly, as he was aware of the King's dislike of being invaded in his personal time.

"Very well, I will attend to it shortly" replied the king and with that Bruce left the hall.

"Perhaps he wants to visit our land, father; I'm of the view he's accepted your invitation" Alexandra expressed her thoughts, when Bruce left the place.

"I see it the same way" the King nodded.

"It was decided not to discuss political, legal or official; any kind of matters while dining" said Queen in an irritated manner.

"We won't discuss then mother, perhaps bsome other time father"

"As you wish Alexandra"


The king entered the courtroom. The members of the court bowed before him and when he sat on the throne, they all sat upon his orders. The letter was presented to the king by Sergeant Bruce. He opened it and started reading,

"I am deeply humbled at your request of the visit to Gardenia, I have always admired the region and it's beauty; I am also fond of the way you lead and will surely feel immense pleasure to have a stay in your palace for a couple of days. As said, I will arrive shortly.

Warm Regards

Prince James of Queensland"

The king finished reading the letter, it seemed as if the letter had brought him satisfaction. He had requested Prince James to give them an opportunity of being his host and his acceptance meant a lot to the King.

"Bruce, ask for the preparations to be made, Prince James's stay should represent our royal manners and etiquette. It should reflect on him our standard and the most important he should feel contended". Ordered King Anderson.

Bruce replied with "You will have no compliant your highness"

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