Arriving at creepypasta mansion

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A/N. Hey guys so here's the deal every five views I get I update new chapter! well on with the story!!.

Jeff pov
"Go to sleep" I said while slitting my victims throat. 'Ahaha this will never get old' I thought to my self.

I was walking into the woods because its dark and scary so no people would want to come to the woods.
As I was walking I got the feeling someone was watching me.
"WHOS THERE!" I shouted taking out my knife from my hoodie and turning around.
Then suddenly I felt a tentacle wrap around my foot carrying me upside down.
Wait a tentacle?
I turn around to see a tall well a tall faceless man. when I say tall I mean TALL this guys gotta be atleast nine feet.
"Woah hey there guy who are you AND WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU CARRYING ME UPSIDE DOWN?" i shouted.
"Calm down child I am the slender man." he said
"Oh so slendy why are you carrying me upside down STILL" I said
"Sorry child I need to take you to a place where you can go out to murder and never worry about getting caught or anything of the sort." he said
"Woah free place to crash I'm in" I said excited about what he said about killing. so is anyone going to be there I asked.
"No but I will gather all murders around the world to live in one mansion with me an my wife slender woman." he said.
In a matter of seconds we were at this big creepy mansion. " okay is your wife here it what" I asked.
"No she is out fetching the woman around the world.
"Oh okay so wh- and he is gone" jeff said realizing slender man was no were to be found.

I was at the foot of one of my victims bed. Rey were sill fast asleep so no worries. yet.
I pounce on top of my victim. He is a male 30 years old give or take. he has no one sleeping with him so I was guessing he was single and it was such a small house so I was also guessin he had no children. "GO TO SLEEP MY PRINCE!" I shouted as I slit his throat.
After I left the small house I walked down the street humming to myself. As I kept walking I saw a tall faceless woman in a suit beside a street post. Not as tall a the street post but near that height.
I stood and stared at her like as if I were frozen in place. Then suddenly the mysterious woman appeared right in front of me. "Hello Nina is it?" She asked
"WHO ARE YOU" I shouted
"My name is slender woman I come to take you to a home were you an murder all you want outside of the house and never get caught." She said
"How do I know I can trust you?" I asked her.
"You don't." she simply said.
"Alright fair deal with me so how lon-" I said before realizing we were I front of a huge mansion.
"If you go inside you will find another murderer waiting for the rest of you murderers o arrive.
"Alright thank y-" I said realizing she was gone.
I walked inside to see a figure sitting on the couch watching t.v .
"Uh hey I was told we will be living together in this mansion my names Nina the killer . What about you?" I asked
He tens around and said those words that made me shriek.
"The names jeff the killer." he said
"JEFF" I screamed pouncing on him.
"Do I know you ! Are you my darling Jane in disguise hopefully?." he asked.
"Who he hell is Jane!" I yelled
"Not you obviously" he said
"Jef how could you in going to find my room. you asshole." I said angrily.
"whatever." he said
I just got back from a yummy meal from a victim. Man his kidneys were so good. I'll have to put eat more boy kidneys in my list. out of nowhere a man oh er faceless man popped up in front o me.
"AH" I screamed
"Hello I am the slender man I come to take you to a mansion for free killing and never getting caught or any of that sort." faceless dude said.
"Uh sure man lets go" I said.
Then out of no where we arrived at a mansion.
"Go inside you will find two newcomers here also.
"Alright thanks" I said
He then disappeared. Or more like teleported.
I walk inside and find myself in a huge living room with a dark haired guy with a smile arced in his face.
"Yo" I said.
"Sup what's your name masked guy" the smile guy said.
"Eyeless jack but call me EJ what about you?" I said
"Jeff the killer. call me jeff."
"Cool I was told there was another person hear" I said looking around.
"Oh her she is a freak she is upstairs should be coming down sooner or later." jeff said
"Alright cool" I said while sitting in the couch.
( I really don't have time for the rest so slendy and slenda got Sally ben LJ Jill and Jane.)
Next time we will have everyone introduce themselves and find out who they have crushes on. stay tuned

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