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I was with slenda makin breakfast for the children when I heard a knock.
"Who in the world can that be?" I asked my self.
"Probably zalgos children why don't I check?" She said walking to the large girl.
She looked through the peep hole and she turned around motioning me to come over.
i went to see what was going on.
I looked through the whole and saw the whole swat team along with police officer.
"What do we do" she whispered.
"Well I think we should use our magic to turn all the pastas into human forms but we will need to be careful." SLendy whispered back. "go into you human form while I turn everyone else" slendy said to his wife. "alright" she said turning human.
Slendy teleported to gather all the pastas into the living room. "okay everyone I need to change you into humans because there's police at the door" slendy said.
Everyone turned their heads to jeff.
"What?" Jeff said.
"Do you have anything to do with this."toby asked.
"No! Goddammit it's not always me! What about sally huh? Nobody can be that innocent." jeff said pointing at sally.
"She kills people we know she isn't innocent jeff" ben said.
"Dammit" Jeff said.
"Okay everyone stop let me change you into human forms" SLENDY said.
Soon after he said that everyone was indeed human.
" now go to your rooms as if nothing's happened and wait for me to call you down here." slendy said before walking off in his human form.
"okay you can open the door now" slendy said walking up to slenda.
"Alright then" she said opening the door.
"Hello how may I help you this evening?" Slenda said in her British voice.
"Mam we need you to step away and let us in" the officer said.
"And whys that me and my husband are just trying to cook food for our children. isn't that right honey" slenda said to slendy who was next to her.
"Yes it Is now may we ask why you would like to come in." slendy asked.
"We have reasons to believe that your are holding the most dangerous killers jeff the killer JANE the killer laughing jack laughing JILL sally Williams and clockwork." the officer said.
"YOU FORGET ME YOU DUMBASS" toby and Liu yelled out the window.
"PUT YOUR HANDS UO AND WE WONT SHOOT" the officer said pointing his gun at them.
" Honey his voice is rather annoying shall I kill him now?" Slenda said.
"Yes his voice has already gotten on my nerves I'll have the children take care of the rest while I finish breakfast.
"Alright remember keep the oven on 350 no more no less." slenda said before transforming to her true form and grabbing the police officer with her tentacles and ripping his guts out.
"What a women" slendy said walking away.
"HEAT THAT HE SAID WE CAN KILL THEM COME ON!!" Sally yelled jumping out the window.
"SALLY" ben yelled.
"Did you forget we are immortal or something?" Sally said.
"Oh yeah haha" ben said jumping down also.
"Let's go!" JANE said jumping off on top of a swat member stabbing him in his heart.
"That's hot" jeff said jumping out also.
"Let's go jackyyy" JILL said to her boyfriend doing a back flip off the roof and landing on her feet.
"YEAHH!" The rest of the pastas screamed jumping off the roof.
Sally went up to a swat member who wasn't paying attention to her earlier and said "excuse me mister can you help me! They took me and won't let me go back to my mommy!!"
"Yes of course hear get on my shoulders." he said leaning down so she can get on.
She did and when she was on top she took out her knife in her teddy bear and stabbed him straight in the head.
"Hehe just kidding" she said jumping off.
meanwhile Ben was having so much fun laughing his butt off while he made images of bloody killings in their heads.
"STOPPP MAKE IT STOPPP" one man said running around holding his head.
"Maybe I should add some background music" Ben thought. Ben put the song spinel menigitas on in their heads causing them to freak out even more.
"Okay I think I had my fun" Ben said before kicking them in the back of their knees causing them to fall and stabbed them all in the heads.
Jane was having so much fun spilling guys everywhere which caused her to sing her favorite song.
"Don't mind us we're just spilling iur guts" Jane sang stabbing a police officer in the head.
"If this is love I don't want to be loved." she said running to another officer and stabbed him in the stomach.
"You pollute the room with your filthy tounge" Jane sung slicing an officer in the face.
"Watch me choke it down so I can throw It up." she sand grabbing his tounge and cutting it off shoving it in his mouth.

Jeff sat on the tree and watched all the chaos happen.
"Man this is life" jeff said throwing sea bodies off his tree that he finished carving smiles in.
"Let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor." he sang laughing.
"Ohh I love life now" jeff said leaning on the tree shutting his eyes listening to the sounds of stabbing and blood flow.

Sorry if this is a short chapter been busy but it's my birthday today so yay!!!🎊🎉

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