First period

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'Hmm I really need to learn more about these guys.' zero though to herself as they were walking or um running to school.
"HURRY UP I THINK THE BELL WILL RING SOON.!" jeff yelled at everyone as JANE was running at his side.
"I think we're here." Jane said panting.
"Alright Ben and Sally go to your school it's down the street we will get going." jeff said.
"BYE!" Sally said. waving her hands as she and Ben walked down the street.
"Later" Ben said keeping his cool.
"Alright you guys. lets go" jeff said as the odd looking group walked in the school.
As everyone arrived at first period the teacher was suprised at how many new people in one class.
"Oh hello how are you guys and what is your names?" the teacher asked.
"I am Jane and over there is my family. Jeff woods, Toby Rogers, Natalie, Jill giggle and jack laugh." Jane said.
'Ha new meat to the school hahah looks like this will be fun. Wait is that Jane and Jeff? they are supposed to be dead what happened!' randy thought to himself.
"okay well Jeff you can go sit next to randy over there." the teacher said pointing to the said child.
Jeff and Janes bodies tensed as they heard his name. Jeff grew a smirk as he made his way to randy.
Randy could only stare. 'man it's like it is him.' 'I shouldn't worry he's just a chump' randy thought smirking to himself.
"And Natalie please sit next to fill over there" the teacher said.
'Hold on a second fill as In my last boyfriend who caused me to turn into who I am.' clocky thought to herself'
'Hmm almost as hot as my physco girlfriend I had a few years ago' full thought to himself.
The rest of the period gone by fast. All clocky did was glare at her exboyfriend. and all Jane did was glare at randy. and all Jeff did was smile.
As the bell rang signaling class was over Jeff ran over to Jane. "hey jane!" Jeff said.
"Hey Jeff what's up?" Jane asked casually.
"Well I was wondering if you remembers randy? the one I sat next to." Jeff said.
"Oh yeah I was glaring holes in the back of his head" Jane said laughing.
"Well I think I found a new victim want to kill with me tonight? you know like as a date?" Jeff said kicking loose dirt under him.
"Uh yeah Jeff I would love to" Jane said blushing.
"YES!" Jeff said.
"So wanna go eat lunch?" Jeff asked Jane.
"Yeah let's go find everyone though" Jane said.
"Okay" Jeff said.
After about ten minutes of lookin thy finally found clocky but this guy kept bothering her. On the back of his jersey it said fill on it.
" Let's g-" Jane said getting cut off by Jeff speaking.
"No I think he's the one who turned her insane." Jeff said.
"So?" Jane said.
"So she wants revenge and will most likely get it soon" Jeff said.
"Ohh" Jane said.

"So you remind me a lot about my ex girlfriend" fill said.
"Oh yeah and whys that?" clocky asked.
"I don't know that's what I'm trying to figure out" he said leaning in.
Clocky also leaned in and said "maybe it's because I am her." she said.
"Your time is up" she said walking away from the dumbfounded jock.
"Nice one clocky!" Jeff said.
"Ha thanks!" clocky said.
I'm going to go find Toby I gotta ask him something.
"Alright later!" Jane said waving.

"Hey Toby!" clocky said a she spotted him with EJ and Nina
"Hey clocky what's up?" Toby asked.
"Oh well um I wanted to know if you can come with me to kill my ex boyfriend you know as a date." She asked shyly.
"As as as a date I would love to!" Toby said.
"Great!" she said running up to Toby kissing him on the cheek.
"Hey we are here to!" Ej said a little angry that clocky and Toby are going on a date.
"Haha yeah you guys!" Nina said as happy as can be.
"Ha sorry well I'm going to go to next period which is science see us later!" clockwork said waving goodbye to the pastas.
' YES!. I'm going out on a date with Toby' she thought to herself.
"Hey randy!" Jeff said as him and Jane were nearing him.
"Oh new guy what do you want I'm busy" randy said.
" Pay up" Jeff said holding out his hand.
" What the?" randy said.
" Where's your skate board at randy?" Jeff asked as Jane smiled.
" How do you know I have a skateboard" he said frightens a bit .
"What's wrong randy?" Jane said.
"Do we look familiar?" They both said at the same time.
"Uh uh no" randy said backing up.
Jane started to inch towards him closer and closer till there faces were inches apart. "watch your back" she said pushing him in the ground.
"Nice Jane but not too close." Jeff said.
"Don't worry Jeff remember our date." Jane said winking.
"Alright let's go." Jeff said grabbing James hand walking away.
"Wh-wh- what?" randy whispered to himself.
'No it can't be' he is supposed to be dead he died in the fire with his family so did Jane!' randy thought panicking.

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