The fight at school

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"Come on Jane we need to get ready for school!" Jeff said trying to wake Jane up.
"No go fuck yourself" she mumbled under her breath.
"Janeeeeee remember our date if you don't get up we can't go on our date to kill randy!" jeff said still shaking her.
"Fine..." She said getting up.
"Only because I want to kill randy" she said yawning.
"Great!" jeff said walking out the door.
As Jane was getting ready for school Jeff went to the kitchen for some water. "oh hey ben" Jeff said noticing ben at the table playing a game.
"Sup Jeff" Ben said not looking up from his game.
"Nothing but are you ok cause you did party pretty hard last night." Jeff said drinking water.
" You know what I don't know I woke up at the bottom of the stairs with lipstick on and a beer can in my pants and I'm only 13" Ben said.
"Haha yep your a young drunky" Jeff said laughing.
"Oh YEAHH almost forgot, your brother was on the table passed out so I put him under it now" Ben said.
"Oh yeah" Jeff said glancing under the table.
"Hey Liu wake up" Jeff said walking over to liu putting his foot on Luis face.
"Mmmmm is that you zero?" Liu said licking jeffs shoe.
'Hmm he has a crush on zero? or did he make out with zero?' Jeff thought.
"Wake up fagget" Jeff said while shoving his whole foot in lius mouth.
"Agh what the fuck Jeff that's nasty" liu said waking up wiping his mouth.
"No you and zero is nasty" Jeff said smiling.
"I-I don't know what your talking about" liu said blushing.
"Ha sure get ready drunky " Jeff said walking out the kitchen.
"Let's go everyone!!" slendy yelled.
"Okay!!" everyone else said.
"One two three" SLendy said before teleporting at the outskirts of the forest.
"Have a good day" he said before leaving.
"Well let's start walking!" Toby said taking the lead.
Everyone else just shrugged and followed along. "hey look there is zero Monique and clemitine!" Jane said pointing the trio out.
"HEY YOU GUYS!" Sally shouted out to get there attention.
"HEY YOU GUYS" I heard a child voice say.
We turned our heads to see the big mysterious pasta family walking over.
"Hey pastas" Clemitine said keeping her cool as always.
"Hey Ej!" Moniqe said happy to see ej again.
"You guys want to walk with us?" Jane asked.
"Sure" clemitine said.
"Alright let's get walking" clocky said.
"Yes this is so fun!" Ben and sally chanted.
As they arrived at school they saw randy waiting in the front with a group of guys.
"HEY YOU" randy yelled to jeff.
"What do you want jock?" Jeff said.
"Maybe that's because we never died" Jane said smiling.
"AGH ILL KILL YOU!" Randy said forming a fist running up to Jane.
Before randy could get to Jane jeff punched randy so hard that he made him fall on the ground.
"Sorry what was that?" Jeff said laughing.
"I could have handled that on my own." Jane said through her teeth.

"Yeah but I love seeing him suffer.
"Alright noob lets go you and me fight now." randy said getting up.
"Okay but I'll try not to kill you." jeff said smiling.
jeff ran up to randy and punched him in the face and got him in a head lock upper cutting him. randy tried his best to escape but it was no use. when jeff that he had enough he picked randy up and slammed him on the ground. "that's for burnin me in bleach and alcohol ass hole" Jeff said kicking him in his face. Once he was done kicking him In the face he got his head and brand it to the railing and Jammed his head as hard as he can on the railing.
Then that was when randy took his last breath.
"Oops I think I killed him" jeff said smiling.
"JEFF WHAT DID I TELL YOU" SLendy said appearing in front of everyone.
"HEY I TRIED NOT TO KILL HIM." jeff said angry.
"Very well I guess you guys can't come to the school no more seeing how a high schooler named Jeff woods pasta killed a boy named randy." slendy said.

"And you guys can't come anymore seeing how your his siblings" SLendy said sighing.
"Ohh well let's go" SLendy said teleporting everyone to the mansion.
"Jeff expect a punishment when we get home" SLendy said.
END sorry it took so long been busy

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