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Heya I'm Min
First, I have to say thanks for reading this book. My writing isn't perfect, but I'll try my best.
So if you read the description it said '(Y/n), Steven's half sibling', so I wanna explain that. (Y/n), or you is older than Steven by 2-3 years (this is kinda their backstory) :
(Y/n) was a baby, when they were found on the beach by themself. Rose had found them and decided to keep them, with the help of Crystal gems ofc. After some years, Rose got pregnant and gave birth to Steven and (Y/n) was left with their other mums. The four of them lived in the temple, after when Steven got older they lived in the beach house. And to Steven they were basically as an older sibling. Of course Greg is like a father figure to them. (Insert all the adventures through episodes)...

So that's kinda about them. And I will write in third person pov (point of view). I will add chapters on days when I don't have school, so Friday(later) and Saturday myb Sunday.

In this book, Spinel doesn't leave with the Diamonds. So after the movie plot, I will write random days with Spinel. Spinel is a precious gem and should be protected!!!

I hope you'll enjoy it :)

EDIT: I changed this book with they/them pronouns. And fixing my typos

EDIT 2: Fixing all my writing mistakes and typos

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