♡ Chapter 1. ♡

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"Once upon a time, the gem Homeworld was ruled by the Diamonds.White, Yellow, Blue, and the littlest Diamond, Pink. While the other Diamonds conquer many worlds across the galaxy, Pink had only one: the planet Earth. One day, Pink fleet the comforts of Homeworld. On Earth, she made a new home, new friends, and, finally, new life, giving up her form to her gem to her half human son. Without Pink, gem kind entered an era of despair. But when Steven Universe learnt of his heritage. He reunited with his fellow Diamonds and champion a new era of peace and freedom across the furthest reaches of space." White closed the book.

Then continued speaking, "And now, dear Gems everywhere, I'm pleased to announce that Steven is finally ready to take his rightful place on Pink Diamond's throne!"

Steven turned around, "How's it going, everybody?" He asks.

"I know you might be thinking of me as the new Pink Diamond, but you don't have to put me on a throne.
I already have a rightful place, and it's on Earth."


"What?" White asked.

Yellow Pearl shared the live message "It's a Beach house, where I live with my friends, Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and my sibling
(Y/n)." All the Gems across the universe were listening to it.

"As much as I love stay in the empire and saving all your planets, I can't wait to go home and spend some quality time with my family" he said that, with his eyes glimmering.

The camera lift up to White's face, "Cut the feed!" She said.

"Your time is up anyway" Yellow Pearl told Blue Pearl, who just smiled. Then Yellow Pearl turned off live message. Blue Pearl moved the recording stuff.

Steven turned back to the Diamonds, "I think that went well"

White stood up from her throne, and made a few steps "Steven, please."

"You can't go." Yellow said, behind White.

Blue put her hands on her face, "You must stay."

"You're all we have left of Pink." White said.

She bend down, "Steven, you belong here, with us."

"Uh... thanks, but no thanks" he lift his hands, taking a few steps back.

🎶"Come live with us in the palace. There's a room waiting for you."🎶
The three Diamonds sang.

🎵"Come on"🎵 Yellow sang along.

Then Blue after her, 🎶"Come on"🎶

Then White, 🎵"Come on"🎵

🎶"Just let us adore you"🎶

"You guys got better at showing affections" Steven made a few steps back.

He jumped on the warp pad, "But I got my life I have to get back to"

"Don't forget, I'm not Pink Diamond"

The Diamonds dropped down, so they're face to face to Steven 🎵"Yes we know, you're not her, but you were her's"🎵

Steven looked up to them, sweating and smiling nervously.

🎶"You know what it meant to love her. And you remember us so much of her."🎶

"Thanks, but really I have to go"

"But Steven!" The Diamods said together.

"I dispensed my armies. I liberated my colonies."

"I never shatter. I never make anyone cry."

"I've been saying 'please' and 'thank you', even to lower life forms."

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