♡ Chapter 12.♡

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Spinel burst out laughing, "This is so sad" she wiped fake tears, "Where's the sad music?"

(Y/n) sighed, "Listen Spinel, I understand. After everything you been through, you must be in a lot of pain."

"No. No! You don't understand!" Spinel shook her head, "You can't change the way I feel."

"That's right! Only you can!
And I will be there to help you!" (Y/n) smiled. (Y/n) started singing.

🎵"Spinel, I am humble🎵
🎶"for tonight I understand "🎶
🎵"your royal blood was never" 🎵
🎶"to decorate this sand"🎶

They took a few steps closer to the Pink Gem. Who in return punched them in the face. (Y/n) fell back on their butt.

🎵"You suffered great justice 🎵
🎶"so have thousands before you"🎶
🎵"I offer an apology"🎵
🎶"and one long over due"🎶

🎵"I am sorry"🎵
🎶"Spinel, I am sorry"🎶
🎵"Hear my song"🎵
🎶"I know is sing the truth"🎶

(Y/n) stood up, summoning their (weapon)/

🎵"Although we were bred to fight"🎵
🎶"I reach for your kindness"🎶
🎵"in your heart tonight"🎵

They kept their stance right, kept their body lower. As they were moving forward, they kept their eyes on her.

🎶"And if you can forgive"🎶
🎵"And if you can forgive "🎵
🎶"Love can truly live🎶"

🎵"And if you can forgive"🎵
🎶"And if you can forgive"🎶
🎵"I've can truly live"🎵

Spinel used her hand and threw (Y/n) in the sky. (Y/n) fleet up, and quickly fell down on the injector.

🎶"Spinel, I am frightened"🎶
🎶"but I'll use my final breath"🎶
🎵"to tell you I'm sorry"🎵
🎶"Let us end this dance of death"🎶

(Y/n) lied down on their back, Spinel stood beside them.

🎵"Two centuries of agony"🎵
🎶"that to your heart we sent"🎶
🎵"here are now with my amens"🎵
🎶"The senseless killing ends"🎶
🎵"I am sorry"🎵
🎶"Spinel, I am sorry"🎶
🎵"Hear my song"🎵
🎶"I know I sing the truth" 🎶

(Y/n) stood up, they got their (g/w) and escaped every attack Spinel used on them.

🎵"Although were bred to fight"🎵
🎶"I reach for your kindness"🎶
🎵"in your heart tonight"🎵

Spinel raised both of her fists, ready to attack (Y/n).

🎶"And if you can forgive🎶
🎵"And if you can forgive"🎵
🎶"Love can truly live"🎶
🎵"And if you can forgive"🎵
🎶"And if you can forgive"🎶
🎵"Love can truly live"🎵

Spinel stopped, "You can't apologize to me with some stupid song!" Spinel instead of punching the half gem-human she punched the injector.

"All that stuff is easy for you to say. When you do something, you're forgiven. When I do it, no one forgives ME!"
Spinel jumped up, raising her hand to punch (Y/n). Gladly, (Y/n) blocked it with their (g/w).

"I always made mistakes. I was never good enough for Pink. But now... I'm not good at all"
She began to laugh, "That's funny right? At least you find me entertaining" She stopped punching (Y/n)'s weapon, "You actually liked me didn't you? What am I doing?" She hid her face with her hands. (Y/n) summoned back their (g/w).

Spinel watched her, suprised.
"Why I wanna hurt you so bad, for something Pink did? I'm supposed to be a friend. I just wanna be a friend"

(Y/n) came closer to the gem. They wiped her tears off. Testing one hand on the Gem's shoulder and other holding the Gem's hand. The half gem-human smiled, "Spinel-"

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