♡ Chapter 6. ♡

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Are you ready?
Here we go -

(Y/n) who was sitting next to Spinel said, "I-I think so" they answered

Sapphire clapped her hands together, interlocking her fingers together,
"The saw! The saw will continue to cut"

"The end will fall" Sapphire gasped, "And you... you will be shattered!"

Then it stared to fall on Ruby, she looked up and screamed. In the last second, Steven threw his shield protecting Ruby.

"The curled haired ones power is fading" Steven couldn't hold it anymore, his gem was glimmering a bright pink. This exhausted him much.

"Ruby! I'm sorry! I told you wouldn't last a day!"

Ruby smiled, "Well I'm glad, fate allowed me to meet you" then Steven's shield shattered in pieces, causing everything to fall on her.

"NO!" Steven and (Y/n) yelled.
In very last moment Sapphire rushed in and saved Ruby, before anything fell on them. In process of failing, they fused like the first time. Expect Sapphire saved Ruby, instead Ruby her.



"Garnet!" (Y/n) and Steven happily yelled.

"Garnet! You're back!" Steven ran to hug her, but the fusion stepped back. And Steven falled down.

"Thank goodness, it's you" he looked up from the ground.

"W-w-what's going on?" Garnet lifted her hand on her face.

He stood up, "Everyone's memories are wiped, except for (Y/n). And my powers are all messed up" he came closer to her for a step, but she steps back.

"We need your help! What should we do, Garnet?" He asked.

"I'm sorry but..."She looked down at the boy, "do you know me?"

The other Gems and human came beside Steven.

"Good question" Spinel leaned on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"Her memories aren't back" (Y/n) sighed.

Steven looked back, "I guess fusion was only the first piece" then the Gems, along with (Y/n) heard beeping. They all turned their heads to see Greg with his van,with Lion on the roof. (LET ME DRIVE MY VAN INTO YOUR HEART-srry). First one to leave the van was Pearl, she walked to the back doors. In front of the doors, she put down two-step stairs and res carpet on top of it.

"Attention, everyone" she opened the doors," Um-Greg Universe has arrived"

"Steven! (Y/n)" he ran to his kids, "Have you seen Amethyst?" He asked.

"What! I told you to watch her"

"She must wandered off" Greg scratched his head, "While I was wrestling my laundry out of Pearl's hands"

The sound of someone caught their attention. They turned they head to see Pearl glancing Greg's wheel. "Pearl! You don't have to do that!"

"I own a car wash!" Greg ran to Pearl.

"I need to go find Amethyst" he turned to Bismuth, "Can you watch Garnet?"

"Yeah, sure" she pointed her thumb at the fusion, "But it looks like she's doing a pretty great job watching herself"

"Thanks" He turned around, "Let's go, (Y/n)!" Steven began to run and (Y/n) following him. But something stopped them. They turned around to see Spinel coming too.

"Don't forget your best friend, Spinel!"

(Y/n) quietly laughed, "How could I?"

"(Y/n), can Spinel stay here?" Steven frowned.

My new best friend [Spinel x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now